Crimes contra a ordem tributária: uma análise da extinção da punibilidade pelo pagamento do tributo
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Roumanos, Danielle
Felberg, Rodrigo
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Membros da banca
O presente artigo consiste em uma análise crítica sobre a extinção da punibilidade nos crimes tributários pelo pagamento do tributo, sob os prismas da criminologia e da análise econômica. O objetivo é avaliar se as previsões legais atuais no Brasil estimulam a correta prestação de informações e o pagamento de tributos devidos ao Fisco, ou se, pelo contrário, incentivam o contribuinte a sonegar informações e a evitar fraudulentamente o pagamento dos tributos devidos. Foi realizada uma análise histórica das legislações que trataram da suspensão da pretensão punitiva e extinção da punibilidade nos crimes tributários, com base no parcelamento e no pagamento do tributo. Além disso, comparou-se o tratamento dado à reparação do dano nos crimes tributários e nos crimes contra o patrimônio. Também foi feita uma análise breve sobre os objetivos do Direito Penal Tributário e dos bens jurídicos tutelados pelos crimes tributários. Por fim, foram apresentadas considerações acerca do uso do Direito Penal como instrumento de cobrança de dívidas tributárias, o que pode resultar em uma proteção deficiente do Estado. Para realizar essa análise, o método utilizado foi a revisão de literatura, por meio de pesquisas bibliográficas e jurisprudenciais.
This article consists of a critical analysis of the extinction of punishment in tax crimes through the payment of the tax, under the prisms of criminology and economic analysis. The objective is to evaluate whether current legal provisions in Brazil stimulate the correct provision of information and the payment of taxes owed to the Treasury, or whether they encourage taxpayers to withhold information and fraudulently avoid paying taxes owed. A historical analysis was conducted of the legislation that addressed the suspension of the punitive claim and the extinction of punishment in tax crimes, based on the installment and payment of the tax. In addition, the treatment of damage repair in tax crimes was compared to that in crimes against property. A brief analysis was also made of the objectives of Tax Criminal Law and the legal interests protected by tax crimes. Finally, critical considerations were presented regarding the use of Criminal Law as an instrument for collecting tax debts, which can result in inadequate protection of the State. To carry out this analysis, the method used was literature review, through bibliographic and jurisprudential research.
This article consists of a critical analysis of the extinction of punishment in tax crimes through the payment of the tax, under the prisms of criminology and economic analysis. The objective is to evaluate whether current legal provisions in Brazil stimulate the correct provision of information and the payment of taxes owed to the Treasury, or whether they encourage taxpayers to withhold information and fraudulently avoid paying taxes owed. A historical analysis was conducted of the legislation that addressed the suspension of the punitive claim and the extinction of punishment in tax crimes, based on the installment and payment of the tax. In addition, the treatment of damage repair in tax crimes was compared to that in crimes against property. A brief analysis was also made of the objectives of Tax Criminal Law and the legal interests protected by tax crimes. Finally, critical considerations were presented regarding the use of Criminal Law as an instrument for collecting tax debts, which can result in inadequate protection of the State. To carry out this analysis, the method used was literature review, through bibliographic and jurisprudential research.
crimes tributários , extinção de punibilidade , pagamento , tributo , tax crimes , extinction of punibility , tribute , payment