Legal design & visual law: a compreensão da técnica como ferramenta facilitadora ao acesso à justiça brasileira
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Santos, Giovanna D'angelo dos
Soares, Renata Domingues Balbino Munhoz
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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo verificar a eficácia dos recursos de Legal Design e Visual Law aplicados em documentos jurídicos através da utilização de recursos visuais e tecnológicos. Para chegar à resposta do questionamento, em primeiro momento são apresentados o contexto histórico e a definição da linguagem, bem como o conceito de linguagem jurídica, também conhecida como “juridiquês”. Se fez necessária uma explanação da (in)compreensibilidade desse tipo de linguagem no meio social para, desta forma, adentrar-se na definição do Legal Design, Visual Law e suas principais características. Por fim, são apresentadas formas de aplicação dessas técnicas e como podem ser meios facilitadores ao acesso à justiça brasileira, mostrando alguns aspectos positivos e negativos de sua utilização, bem como a opinião dos profissionais do Direito sobre esse assunto. A conclusão alcançada com a presente pesquisa revela que, apesar do Legal Design e o Visual Law serem técnicas recentes no meio jurídico, possuem potencialidade para estarem mais implementadas, uma vez que os profissionais da área demonstram aceitação em seus documentos, seja na elaboração ou no recebimento das peças.
The present work aims to verify the effectiveness of Legal Design and Visual Law resources applied in legal documents using visual and technological resources. To reach the answer to the questioning, at first, the historical context and the definition of language are presented, as well as the concept of legal language, also known as “juridiquês”. An explanation of the (in)comprehensibility of this type of language in the social environment was necessary to, in this way, enter the definition of Legal Design, Visual Law and its main characteristics. Finally, ways of applying these techniques and how they can be used to facilitate access to Brazilian justice are presented, showing some positive and negative aspects of their use, as well as the opinion of legal professionals on this subject. The conclusion reached with the present research reveals that, although Legal Design and Visual Law are recent techniques in the legal environment, they have the potential to be more implemented, since professionals in the area demonstrate acceptance in their documents, either in the elaboration or in the receipt of parts.
The present work aims to verify the effectiveness of Legal Design and Visual Law resources applied in legal documents using visual and technological resources. To reach the answer to the questioning, at first, the historical context and the definition of language are presented, as well as the concept of legal language, also known as “juridiquês”. An explanation of the (in)comprehensibility of this type of language in the social environment was necessary to, in this way, enter the definition of Legal Design, Visual Law and its main characteristics. Finally, ways of applying these techniques and how they can be used to facilitate access to Brazilian justice are presented, showing some positive and negative aspects of their use, as well as the opinion of legal professionals on this subject. The conclusion reached with the present research reveals that, although Legal Design and Visual Law are recent techniques in the legal environment, they have the potential to be more implemented, since professionals in the area demonstrate acceptance in their documents, either in the elaboration or in the receipt of parts.
Trabalho indicado pela banca examinadora ao Prêmio TCC
juridiquês , legal design , visual law , eficácia , acesso à justiça , effectiveness , access to justice