Acordo de não persecução penal
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Giantorno, Paulo Eduardo
Medeiros, Thamara Duarte Cunha
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A busca de resolução de conflitos através de acordos consensuais já tem amplo reconhecimento e efetividade no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, principalmente na esfera civil. Porém, nos últimos anos, a justiça criminal também vem colhendo os benefícios dos acordos, principalmente com o objetivo de reduzir a carga de processos em tramitação, buscar alternativas para diminuir o número de encarceramentos e poder oferecer uma resposta à sociedade quanto à celeridade processual e a real aplicação da lei. O acordo de não persecução penal surgiu em 2017 através de uma iniciativa do Ministério Público, que então deixaria de oferecer a denúncia em caso da prática de infrações sem violência ou grave ameaça à pessoa, desde que o investigado confessasse o ato delituoso. Já no ano de 2019, o então Ministro da Justiça e Segurança Pública, Sérgio Moro, defendeu o chamado “Pacote Anticrime”, que se transformou na Lei nº 13.964 e entrou em vigor em 23 de janeiro de 2020. Esta Lei apaziguou uma série de conflitos que havia quanto à constitucionalidade das resoluções do Conselho Nacional do Ministério Público e trouxe a alteração do Código de Processo Penal, em seu artigo 28-A, que determina as condições do acordo de não persecução penal.
Esta pesquisa foi realizada mediante técnicas de análise documental e revisão bibliográfica, com base na tese de acordo defendida na Lei; do plea bargain, de origem nos países de sistema common Law; da adequação legislativa para beneficiar quem praticava crimes de médio potencial ofensivo.
The search for conflict resolution through consensual agreements is already widely recognized and effective in the Brazilian legal system, mainly in the civil sphere. However, in recent years, criminal justice has also reaped the benefits of the agreements, mainly with the aim of reducing the burden of proceedings in progress, seeking alternatives to reduce the number of incarcerations and being able to offer a response to society as to the procedural speed and the actual application of the law. The non-criminal prosecution agreement emerged in 2017 through an initiative by the Public Prosecutor's Office, which would then stop offering the complaint in the event of violations without violence or serious threat to the person, as long as the person under investigation confessed to the criminal act. In 2019, the then Minister of Justice and Public Security, Sérgio Moro, defended the so-called “Anti-Crime Package”, which became Law No. 13.964 and came into force on January 23, 2020. This Law appeased a series of conflicts that existed regarding the constitutionality of the resolutions of the National Council of the Public Prosecution and brought about the amendment of the Code of Criminal Procedure, in its article 28-A, which determines the conditions of the non-criminal prosecution agreement. This research was carried out using techniques of document analysis and bibliographic review, based on the thesis of agreement defended in the Law; plea bargain, originating in the common law countries; legislative adequacy to benefit those who committed crimes of medium offensive potential.
The search for conflict resolution through consensual agreements is already widely recognized and effective in the Brazilian legal system, mainly in the civil sphere. However, in recent years, criminal justice has also reaped the benefits of the agreements, mainly with the aim of reducing the burden of proceedings in progress, seeking alternatives to reduce the number of incarcerations and being able to offer a response to society as to the procedural speed and the actual application of the law. The non-criminal prosecution agreement emerged in 2017 through an initiative by the Public Prosecutor's Office, which would then stop offering the complaint in the event of violations without violence or serious threat to the person, as long as the person under investigation confessed to the criminal act. In 2019, the then Minister of Justice and Public Security, Sérgio Moro, defended the so-called “Anti-Crime Package”, which became Law No. 13.964 and came into force on January 23, 2020. This Law appeased a series of conflicts that existed regarding the constitutionality of the resolutions of the National Council of the Public Prosecution and brought about the amendment of the Code of Criminal Procedure, in its article 28-A, which determines the conditions of the non-criminal prosecution agreement. This research was carried out using techniques of document analysis and bibliographic review, based on the thesis of agreement defended in the Law; plea bargain, originating in the common law countries; legislative adequacy to benefit those who committed crimes of medium offensive potential.
acordo de não persecução penal , justiça penal negociada , plea bargain , non-criminal prosecution agreement , negotiated criminal justice