A aplicação da medida socioeducativa de internação em atos infracionais análogos ao crime de tráfico de drogas: uma análise da jurisprudência atual do Superior Tribunal de Justiça – STJ
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Silva, Guilherme Cordeiro da
Acca, Thiago dos Santos
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O presente artigo científico trata da medida socioeducativa de internação nos casos de
adolescentes que estão em conflito com a lei em virtude do cometimento do crime de tráfico de
drogas. De forma mais específica, será analisada a linha argumentativa dos ministros do
Superior Tribunal de Justiça nas decisões para aplicação da medida de internação nesses casos
com base na Súmula 492/STJ. Assim, serão mapeados os critérios que a Corte Superior analisa
nas aplicações, observando os seguintes parâmetros: (1) se há um critério fixo para a aplicação
da medida de internação; (2) se é possível aplicar uma hierarquia entre os eventuais critérios;
(3) se há situações de afastamento desses critérios. Logo, foi obtido que o critério estabelecido
pelos ministros se restringe a reiteração infracional do adolescente e que há divergência no
entendimento entre as Turmas da Corte Superior nesse quesito. Assim, será feito um breve
estudo da linha argumentativa dos ministros e sobre a questão da reiteração infracional.
This scientific article deals with the socio-educational measure of hospitalization in cases of adolescents who conflict with the law by virtue of committing the crime of drug trafficking. More specifically, the line of argument of the ministers of the Superior Court of Justice in the decisions to apply the internment measure in these cases will be analyzed, based on Precedent 492/STJ. Thus, the criteria that the Superior Court analyzes in the applications will be mapped, observing the following parameters: (1) if there is a fixed criterion for the application of the internment measure; (2) whether it is possible to apply a hierarchy between the possible criteria; (3) whether there are situations in which these criteria are deviated from. Therefore, it was obtained that the criterion established by the ministers is restricted to the infraction reiteration of the adolescent and that there is a divergence in the understanding between the Panels of the Superior Court in this matter. Thus, a brief study will be made of the argumentation line of the ministers and on the issue of infraction reiteration.
This scientific article deals with the socio-educational measure of hospitalization in cases of adolescents who conflict with the law by virtue of committing the crime of drug trafficking. More specifically, the line of argument of the ministers of the Superior Court of Justice in the decisions to apply the internment measure in these cases will be analyzed, based on Precedent 492/STJ. Thus, the criteria that the Superior Court analyzes in the applications will be mapped, observing the following parameters: (1) if there is a fixed criterion for the application of the internment measure; (2) whether it is possible to apply a hierarchy between the possible criteria; (3) whether there are situations in which these criteria are deviated from. Therefore, it was obtained that the criterion established by the ministers is restricted to the infraction reiteration of the adolescent and that there is a divergence in the understanding between the Panels of the Superior Court in this matter. Thus, a brief study will be made of the argumentation line of the ministers and on the issue of infraction reiteration.
estatuto da criança e do adolescente , ato infracional , tráfico de drogas , súmula 492 , child and adolescent law , infractionary , drug trafficking , precedent 492