Aspectos gerais de fixação de indenização pela perda de uma chance de cura sob a perspectiva do STJ
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Silva, Aline Carla da
Zocratto, Sérgio de Souza
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Diante das inúmeras demandas judiciais que discutem o erro médico e a possibilidade de responsabilização cível dos profissionais da saúde, surge a hipótese de indenização pela perda de uma chance discutida e reconhecida pela doutrina majoritária. No entanto, por se tratar de uma teoria que parte de uma análise subjetiva, a fixação da indenização com base na referida teoria passa a ser considerada frágil e, consequentemente, os Tribunais tendem a adotar diversos posicionamentos. Todavia, as peculiaridades de cada região encontram uma intersecção dentro do STJ que se resume em (i) efetiva chance de cura; (ii) existência de nexo causalidade pelo erro cometido; e (iii) dano concreto evitável. Tais fatores são essenciais para o início da discussão sobre a aplicação da teoria da perda de uma chance, de modo que, os percentuais entre os três pontos irão majorar a quantidade de culpa a ser indenizada aos lesados pela ação médica.
Considering the numerous legal cases discussing medical malpractice and the potential civil liability of healthcare professionals, the hypothesis of compensation for the loss of a chance, as discussed and recognized by most of the legal doctrine, arises. However, since this theory relies on a subjective analysis, determining compensation based on this theory is considered fragile, and consequently, the courts tend to adopt various positions. Nevertheless, the specificities of each region find an intersection within the Supreme Court (STJ), which can be summarized as (i) the actual chance of recovery; (ii) the existence of a causal link due to the error committed; and (iii) avoidable concrete harm. These factors are essential for initiating the discussion regarding the application of the loss of chance theory, whereby the percentages among these three points will determine the extent of liability to be compensated to those harmed by medical actions.
Considering the numerous legal cases discussing medical malpractice and the potential civil liability of healthcare professionals, the hypothesis of compensation for the loss of a chance, as discussed and recognized by most of the legal doctrine, arises. However, since this theory relies on a subjective analysis, determining compensation based on this theory is considered fragile, and consequently, the courts tend to adopt various positions. Nevertheless, the specificities of each region find an intersection within the Supreme Court (STJ), which can be summarized as (i) the actual chance of recovery; (ii) the existence of a causal link due to the error committed; and (iii) avoidable concrete harm. These factors are essential for initiating the discussion regarding the application of the loss of chance theory, whereby the percentages among these three points will determine the extent of liability to be compensated to those harmed by medical actions.
erro médico , responsabilidade civil , perda de uma chance , cura , medical malpractice , civil liability , loss of a chance , recovery