Estupro virtual: o enquadramento típico dos crimes que ofendem a dignidade sexual cometidos no meio digital
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Spósito, Giulia Dowsley
Petean, Fabiano Augusto
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A presente monografia tem como objeto de estudo o estupro virtual, em que não se faz necessário o contato físico entre o agente e a vítima para que haja o reconhecimento do delito de estupro. Sendo entendido que desde que o agente constranja a vítima ou haja mediante grave ameaça, com o intuito a satisfação da sua própria lascívia, configura-se o estupro virtual. A problemática discutida é a falta de uma legislação específica e a necessidade que o legislador tem de preencher lacunas, interpretando o artigo já existente e adaptando-o para o caso concreto. O objetivo do trabalho é compreender o conceito de estupro virtual, como ele surgiu na nossa sociedade, as formas em que ele pode ocorrer e como regular-lo. Com esse fim, a presente monografia possui cunho bibliográfico e documental, tal como uma abordagem qualitativa. Trata-se de uma pesquisa explicativa, no qual o método de análise utilizado foi o dedutivo, em que se utiliza de uma cadeia de raciocínio e análise de informação, até chegar em uma conclusão.
The present monograph has as its object of study the virtual rape, in which physical contact between the agent and the victim is not necessary for the recognition of the crime of rape. It is known that as long as the agent constrains the victim or acts by means of a serious threat, with the aim of satisfying his own lasciviousness, virtual rape is configured. The problem discussed is the lack of specific legislation and the need for the legislator to fill gaps, interpreting the existing article and adapting it to the specific case. The objective of this work is to understand the concept of virtual rape, how it emerged in our society, the ways in which it can occur and how to regulate it. To this end, this monograph has a bibliographic and documentary nature, as well as a qualitative approach. This is an explanatory research, in which the method of analysis used was the deductive one, in which a chain of reasoning and analysis of information is used, until reaching a conclusion.
The present monograph has as its object of study the virtual rape, in which physical contact between the agent and the victim is not necessary for the recognition of the crime of rape. It is known that as long as the agent constrains the victim or acts by means of a serious threat, with the aim of satisfying his own lasciviousness, virtual rape is configured. The problem discussed is the lack of specific legislation and the need for the legislator to fill gaps, interpreting the existing article and adapting it to the specific case. The objective of this work is to understand the concept of virtual rape, how it emerged in our society, the ways in which it can occur and how to regulate it. To this end, this monograph has a bibliographic and documentary nature, as well as a qualitative approach. This is an explanatory research, in which the method of analysis used was the deductive one, in which a chain of reasoning and analysis of information is used, until reaching a conclusion.
estupro , estupro virtual , internet , rape , virtual rape