A sentença de abandono para os adolescentes à espera de adoção no Brasil: por que depois dos 12 anos ninguém me quer?
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Antunes, Flavia Marcon
Andreucci, Ana Cláudia Pompeu Torezan
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Este trabalho busca analisar os tabus da adoção tardia no Brasil e os efeitos na vida dos adolescentes abandonados pela família, pela sociedade e sobretudo pelo Estado, a quem será dado maior atenção, visto sua responsabilidade reconhecida no ordenamento jurídico brasileiros, com ênfase na Constituição Federal de 1988 e no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (Lei nº 8.069/1990). Será analisado o Projeto Trampo Justo, uma política pública desenvolvida por um magistrado no Estado de São Paulo que inovou o olhar sobre o futuro desses adolescentes abandonados e a preparação para a vida adulta, na qual serão baseadas novas propostas e possíveis soluções para problemas reais e latentes que recaem sobre esse grupo sentenciado a não adoção, inclusive a tardia, visto que é estatisticamente comprovado que após os 12 anos de idade, as chances nacionais de adoção são baixíssimas, e assim, esses estariam fadados a completarem 18 anos e serem obrigados a se tornar adultos, sem amparo, de qualquer espécie.
This work seeks to analyze the taboos of late adoption in Brazil and the effects on the lives of adolescents abandoned by the family, society and by the State, to which greater attention will be given due to its responsibility recognized in the Brazilian legal system, with emphasis on the Federal Constitution. of 1988 and in the Statute of Children and Adolescents (Law nº 8.069/1990). A public policy developed by a magistrate in the State of São Paulo Paulo named “Trampo Justo”, that innovated the look at the future will be analized. It innovated the look at the future of these abandoned adolescents and the preparation for adult life, based on which new policies and possible solutions to real and latent problems that fall on this group sentenced to non-adoption, including late adoption, since it is statistically proven that after the age of 12, the national chances of adoption are very low, and thus, they would be doomed to complete 18 years and be forced to become adults, loose in the world without support of any kind.
This work seeks to analyze the taboos of late adoption in Brazil and the effects on the lives of adolescents abandoned by the family, society and by the State, to which greater attention will be given due to its responsibility recognized in the Brazilian legal system, with emphasis on the Federal Constitution. of 1988 and in the Statute of Children and Adolescents (Law nº 8.069/1990). A public policy developed by a magistrate in the State of São Paulo Paulo named “Trampo Justo”, that innovated the look at the future will be analized. It innovated the look at the future of these abandoned adolescents and the preparation for adult life, based on which new policies and possible solutions to real and latent problems that fall on this group sentenced to non-adoption, including late adoption, since it is statistically proven that after the age of 12, the national chances of adoption are very low, and thus, they would be doomed to complete 18 years and be forced to become adults, loose in the world without support of any kind.
adoção , adoção tardia , adolescentes , adoption , late adoption , teens