Phishing: uma análise sobre a tipificação da conduta à luz do código penal brasileiro
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Santana, Camila Batista
Felberg, Rodrigo
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O presente artigo explora um dos tipos de cibercrimes na era digital, enfatizando a
prática de phishing como ponto central através do uso da engenharia social. O trabalho
conceitua a expressão "phishing" e a relaciona com as técnicas de manipulação psicológicas
usadas para iludir vítimas e acessar seus dados sensíveis. O modus operandi do phishing é
analisado e detalhado, demonstrando o modo de operar dos criminosos para obter as
informações confidenciais que resultam em ganhos financeiros. No contexto jurídico brasileiro,
o artigo avalia como essas condutas se enquadram nas tipificações de furto qualificado e
estelionato, além de considerar as implicações da Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD) no
combate a essas atividades ilícitas.
This article explores one of the types of cybercrimes in the digital age, emphasizing the practice of phishing as the central focus through the use of social engineering. The paper defines the term "phishing" and relates it to psychological manipulation techniques used to deceive victims and access their sensitive data. The modus operandi of phishing is analyzed and detailed, demonstrating how criminals operate to obtain confidential information that results in financial gains. In the Brazilian legal context, the article assesses how these behaviors fit into the classifications of qualified theft and fraud and considers the implications of the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) in combating these illicit activities.
This article explores one of the types of cybercrimes in the digital age, emphasizing the practice of phishing as the central focus through the use of social engineering. The paper defines the term "phishing" and relates it to psychological manipulation techniques used to deceive victims and access their sensitive data. The modus operandi of phishing is analyzed and detailed, demonstrating how criminals operate to obtain confidential information that results in financial gains. In the Brazilian legal context, the article assesses how these behaviors fit into the classifications of qualified theft and fraud and considers the implications of the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) in combating these illicit activities.
cibercrimes , crimes informáticos , tipificação , phishing , cybercrimes , informatic crimes , typification