O fisioterapeuta e a acessibilidade das pessoas com deficiência física
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Nogueira, Cintia Mara Persona
Assis, Silvana Maria Blascovi de
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Mazzotta, Marcos José da Silveira
Caromano, Fátima Aparecida
Caromano, Fátima Aparecida
Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento
After the graduation the physiotherapist find the most varied subjects in the daily practice and, starting from the experience and professional existence in the area the same happen not only to know your patients as well as the difficulties faced by them in the several atmospheres that he/she occupies, being in study situations, work or leisure. The present study had for objective to identify and to analyze the point of view of professionals of the physiotherapy in relation to the accessibility of the physical deficient ones. It was interviewed 10 physiotherapists that act in the neurology area, close to a University in the State of Paraná. Starting from the results it was identified the great support need to the physical deficient seeing that although there is specific legislation about the accessibility there are not services and enough supports offered for them. The interviewees considered important the approach of the inclusion of the physical deficient during the physiotherapist's formation, as well as the participation in debates, seminars and lectures about the theme. It was also considered important the approach of that thematic in the new professionals' formation, so the same ones can perform with larger conscience his/her social paper in the process of rehabilitation of a person with physical deficiency.
acessibilidade , fisioterapeuta , fisioterapia , deficiência física , inclusão , accessibility , physiotherapist , physiotherapy , physical deficiency , inclusion
Assuntos Scopus
NOGUEIRA, Cintia Mara Persona. O fisioterapeuta e a acessibilidade das pessoas com deficiência física. 2007. 69 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2007.