Caso Casimiro Miguel: a percepção do direito de imagem de atletas profissionais aplicado às plataformas de streaming
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Castilho, Ana Clara dos Santos Oliveira
Ramunno, Pedro Alves Lavacchini
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Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar como é tratado o direito de imagem dos atletas profissionais nas plataformas streaming com um estudo de caso sobre o streamer e jornalista Casimiro Miguel. Para tanto, foi realizada uma coleta de dados entre o público da internet e uma pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, a fim de compreender a legislação brasileira que regulamenta o tema, bem como os contratos firmados entre as partes.
Constatou-se que o direito de imagem é um direito da personalidade previsto na Constituição Federal e sua exploração sem autorização expressa não é legítima. Além disso, foi verificado que os contratos firmados entre clubes e atletas profissionais costumam possuir contratos acessórios, de natureza cível, sobre o direito de imagem e arena para garantir o recebimento de remuneração para os atletas profissionais.
Conclui-se que a regulamentação do direito de imagem no âmbito das plataformas de streaming é fundamental para garantir uma legislação mais específica e direta para abranger as necessidades desse meio tão dinâmico, evitando assim, a exploração ilegal das transmissões esportivas por sites pirata.
This study aims to analyze how the right of image of professional athletes is treated on streaming platforms, with a case study on streamer and journalist Casimiro Miguel. To achieve this goal, data was collected from the online audience, as well as bibliographical and documentary research, in order to understand the Brazilian legislation that regulates the topic, as well as the contracts signed between the parties involved. It was found that the right of image is a personality right provided for in the Federal Constitution and its exploitation without express authorization is not legitimate. In addition, it was verified that contracts signed between clubs and professional athletes often have ancillary contracts, of a civil nature, regarding image and arena rights to ensure the receipt of remuneration for professional athletes. It is concluded that regulation of the right of image in the scope of streaming platforms is crucial to ensure more specific and direct legislation to cover the needs of this dynamic medium, thus avoiding illegal exploitation of sports broadcasts by pirate sites.
This study aims to analyze how the right of image of professional athletes is treated on streaming platforms, with a case study on streamer and journalist Casimiro Miguel. To achieve this goal, data was collected from the online audience, as well as bibliographical and documentary research, in order to understand the Brazilian legislation that regulates the topic, as well as the contracts signed between the parties involved. It was found that the right of image is a personality right provided for in the Federal Constitution and its exploitation without express authorization is not legitimate. In addition, it was verified that contracts signed between clubs and professional athletes often have ancillary contracts, of a civil nature, regarding image and arena rights to ensure the receipt of remuneration for professional athletes. It is concluded that regulation of the right of image in the scope of streaming platforms is crucial to ensure more specific and direct legislation to cover the needs of this dynamic medium, thus avoiding illegal exploitation of sports broadcasts by pirate sites.
direito de imagem , Casimiro Miguel , transmissão esportivas , image rights , sports broadcasts