A importância da sociolinguística para os docentes de língua portuguesa dos anos finais do ensino fundamental
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Melo, Andressa Pereira de
Oliveira, Ronaldo Batista de
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A norma padrão é uma das variações linguísticas presentes na Língua Portuguesa e que é oficialmente difundida nas escolas de todo país. O objetivo de uma língua modelo é que ela seja compreendida em todo território nacional servindo como referência para que não ocorra descaracterização da língua materna. Porém como seu uso desde os primórdios é de domínio de uma classe economicamente favorecida e elitizada, qualquer palavra ou sentença de frase que abdique a regra é automaticamente considerada como errada por muitas vertentes da sociedade incluindo os docentes, que acreditam que as regras gramaticais da língua escrita são válidas para a língua falada. Por esta razão, este projeto tem o objetivo de mostrar que o conhecimento de Sociolinguística traz a luz dos processos de construção da língua na amplitude histórica, geográfica, social e cultural. Através deste conhecimento embasado em que a língua é viva e reflete os atos e pensamentos de uma sociedade em um determinado momento da história, os docentes podem promover práticas pedagógicas que visam combater o preconceito linguístico e o conservadorismo em sala de aula.
The standard norm is one of the linguistic variations present in the Portuguese language and is officially disseminated in schools across the country. The purpose of a model language is for it to be understood throughout the national territory, serving as a reference so that there is no mischaracterization of the mother tongue. However, since its use since the beginning is dominated by an economically favored and elite class, any word or sentence that abdicates the rule is automatically considered to be wrong by many strands of society including teachers, who believe that the grammatical rules of the language are valid for the spoken language. For this reason, this project aims to show that the knowledge of Sociolinguistics brings the light of the processes of construction of the language in the historical, geographical, social and cultural scope. Through this knowledge based on which the language is alive and reflects the actions and thoughts of a society at a given moment in history, teachers can promote pedagogical practices that aim to combat linguistic prejudice and conservatism in the classroom.
The standard norm is one of the linguistic variations present in the Portuguese language and is officially disseminated in schools across the country. The purpose of a model language is for it to be understood throughout the national territory, serving as a reference so that there is no mischaracterization of the mother tongue. However, since its use since the beginning is dominated by an economically favored and elite class, any word or sentence that abdicates the rule is automatically considered to be wrong by many strands of society including teachers, who believe that the grammatical rules of the language are valid for the spoken language. For this reason, this project aims to show that the knowledge of Sociolinguistics brings the light of the processes of construction of the language in the historical, geographical, social and cultural scope. Through this knowledge based on which the language is alive and reflects the actions and thoughts of a society at a given moment in history, teachers can promote pedagogical practices that aim to combat linguistic prejudice and conservatism in the classroom.
docente , sociolinguística , variação linguística , preconceito , teacher , sociolinguistics , linguistic variation , prejudice