Aspectos jurídicos da prática de “insider trading”
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Almeida, Enzo de
Azevedo, André Boiani e
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Membros da banca
O insider trading consiste na utilização de informações relevantes divulgadas internamente, com relevância dentro do mercado financeiro, antes da sua divulgação, para evitar a perda de patrimônio ou para auferir mais dinheiro com a comercialização de ações pelos insiders. Trata-se de uma conduta com elevador potencial danoso, não tendo efeito somente na vida dos transgressores, mas também no mercado financeiro como um todo, afeta a confiança dos investidores que acabam por buscar proteção daqueles que operam com informações privilegiadas. Imperioso analisar as medidas de repreensão aos infratores nas esferas administrativa, penal e civil, bem como tecer questionamentos acerca dos ajustes necessários para que sejam punidos os autores na medida da gravidade de suas condutas.
The insider trading consists in the use of relevant information disclosed internally, with relevance within the financial market, before its disclosure to the public, to avoid the loss of equity or to earn more money from the trading of shares by insiders. It is a conduct with a high potential for damage, not only having an effect on the lives of the offenders and the company, but also on the financial market as a whole, affecting the confidence of investors who end up seeking protection from those who operate with privileged information. It is imperative to analyze the measures of reprimand to offenders in the administrative, criminal and civil spheres, as well as to raise questions about the necessary adjustments so that the authors are punished according to the seriousness of their conduct.
The insider trading consists in the use of relevant information disclosed internally, with relevance within the financial market, before its disclosure to the public, to avoid the loss of equity or to earn more money from the trading of shares by insiders. It is a conduct with a high potential for damage, not only having an effect on the lives of the offenders and the company, but also on the financial market as a whole, affecting the confidence of investors who end up seeking protection from those who operate with privileged information. It is imperative to analyze the measures of reprimand to offenders in the administrative, criminal and civil spheres, as well as to raise questions about the necessary adjustments so that the authors are punished according to the seriousness of their conduct.
insider trading , informações relevantes , comissão de valores mobiliários , relevant information , financial market