A Implantação do ERP conta-npo para gestão orçamentária e financeira a luz da lei 13.019/2014
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Santos, Fabricio Aquino dos
Vasconcelos, Ana Lucia Fontes de Souza
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Membros da banca
Formigoni, Henrique
Slavov, Tiago Nascimento Borges
Slavov, Tiago Nascimento Borges
Controladoria e Finanças Empresariais
Objetivo do Trabalho: Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar a implantação um sistema
de gestão Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) que permite estabelecer procedimentos e
controles internos no processo de execução orçamentária, contribuindo para que as Entidades
sem fins Lucrativos (ESFL), possam atender sua prestação de contas, garantindo que as
informações sejam geradas com conformidade, confiabilidade e tempestividade, atendendo o
que determina o Capítulo IV (Da Prestação De Contas), Seção I – Normas Gerais e Seção II -
Do Prazo, da Lei nº 13.019 de 31 de Julho de 2014, conhecida como o Novo Marco Regulatório
do Terceiro Setor e base para que as ESFL implantar boas práticas de governança.
Design/Metodologia/Abordagem. Este estudo classifica-se como sendo exploratório e
explicativo, com abordagem qualitativa baseado na observação e levantamento das atividades
do setor financeiro do 1º semestre do ano de 2019, acompanhando a movimentação financeira,
bem com a execução orçamentária dos projetos sociais, mantidos através de recursos públicos
(municipal e federal) e de projetos próprios de captação de recursos. O estudo é uma ação
intervencionista na A Casa da Criança e do Adolescente (CCAVA) que é uma Entidade Sem
Fins Lucrativos (ESFL), da cidade de Valinhos/SP atuando em três projetos assistenciais,
voltados as crianças e adolescentes, são eles: Projetos Acolhimento, Janela Aberta, Família
Acolhedora e um quarto projeto denominado República, em fase de planejamento, que atenderá
os jovens com idade superior a 18 anos. O levantamento de dados será através de um
acompanhamento in loco semanalmente, realizando o levantamento e interagindo com o Diretor
financeiro, a Coordenadora e as assistentes do departamento financeiro/administrativo.
Implicações Práticas. Este estudo será implantar um sistema de gestão (ERP) financeira e
orçamentária, criado especificamente para o terceiro setor, denominado Conta NPO© (Non
Profit-Organization), para integrar a execução orçamentária com os controles financeiros e
contabilidade e melhorar o processo de geração da prestação de contas da entidade ao setor
público e para a sociedade.
Originalidade e Contribuições. A implantação do sistema permitiu automatizar os processos
de execução orçamentária, financeiro e gerando informações por meio de relatórios e planilhas
para contabilidade terceirizada, eliminando a necessidade de controles paralelos, que geram
retrabalhos e erros por repetição de entradas de informações em mais de um tipo de controle.
Também oferecerá uma visão de resultados segregados por projetos. Em tempo será possível
fornecer informações para construir processos de gestão da instituição, alinhados com as novas
demandas geradas do MROSC.
Resultados: Dentre os resultados alcançados destacamos que os fechamentos mensais da
execução orçamentária e financeira para, o envio das informações à contabilidade terceirizada,
foi reduzido, de um prazo médio de 3 meses para 1 mês. Também já foi possível medir e
acompanhar dentro de cada mês o resultado financeiro, segregados de cada um dos projetos e
eliminou-se o processo de retrabalho na digitação de toda a movimentação financeira, deixando
de alimentar planilhas, para um lançamento unificado nos processos financeiro, pois conforme
a execução orçamentária é realizada no sistema, ele automaticamente alimentará um relatório,
exportável como uma planilha, em formato de Livro Diário, onde a movimentação financeira
apresenta classificadas as contas contábeis. Também o sistema emite relatórios para a
contabilidade terceirizada da ESFL, que agiliza o processo de contabilização dos gastos. O
estudo buscou implantar um ERP que fosse de custos de manutenção e implementação
financeiramente acessível e que também atendesse especificamente as necessidades de uma
Entidade do Terceiro Setor, para gerir os recursos os recursos financeiros patrimoniais e
orçamentários dos projetos sociais.
Objective of the Work: This work aims to present the implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) management system that allows establishing procedures and internal controls in the budget execution process, contributing so that the non-profit Entities (ESFL), can meet their needs. accountability, ensuring that the information is generated with conformity, reliability and timeliness, in compliance with Chapter IV (Accountability), Section I - General Rules and Section II - Term, of Law No. 13.019 of 31 July 2014, known as the New Regulatory Framework for the Third Sector and the basis for ESFL to implement good governance practices. Design / Methodology / Approach: This study is classified as being exploratory and explanatory, with a qualitative approach based on the observation and survey of financial sector activities in the 1st semester of 2019, following the financial movement, as well as the budgetary execution of social projects, maintained through resources. (municipal and federal) and their own fundraising projects. The study is an interventionist action at The House of Children and Adolescents (CCAVA), which is a Non-Profit Entity (ESFL), in the city of Valinhos / SP, acting in three assistance projects, aimed at children and adolescents, they are: Projects Reception, Open Window, Welcoming Family and a fourth project called República, in the planning phase, which will serve young people over the age of 18. The data collection will be through weekly on-site monitoring, carrying out the survey and interacting with the Financial Director, the Coordinator and the assistants of the financial / administrative department. Practical implications: This study will implement a financial and budget management system (ERP), created specifically for the third sector, called Conta NPO © (Non Profit-Organization), to integrate budget execution with financial and accounting controls and improve the generation process accountability of the entity to the public sector and to society. Originality and Contributions. The implementation of the system allowed to automate the budgetary and financial execution processes and generating information through reports and spreadsheets for outsourced accounting, eliminating the need for parallel controls, which generate reworks and errors due to repetition of information entries in more than one type of information. control. It will also offer a view of results segregated by projects. In time it will be possible to provide information to build the institution's management processes, in line with the new demands generated by the MROSC. Results: Among the results achieved, we highlight that the monthly closings of budgetary and financial execution for, the sending of information to outsourced accounting, was reduced, from an average term of 3 months to 1 month. It has also been possible to measure and monitor the financial result within each month, segregated from each of the projects, and the rework process in the typing of all financial transactions has been eliminated, stopping feeding spreadsheets, for a unified launch in the financial processes, because as the budgetary execution is carried out in the system, it will automatically feed a report, exportable as a spreadsheet, in the form of a “Daily Book”, where the financial transaction presents the accounting accounts classified. The system also issues reports to ESFL's outsourced accounting, which streamlines the expense accounting process. The study sought to implement an ERP that was cost-effective to maintain and implement and that also specifically met the needs of a Third Sector Entity, to manage resources, financial and patrimonial resources of social projects.
Objective of the Work: This work aims to present the implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) management system that allows establishing procedures and internal controls in the budget execution process, contributing so that the non-profit Entities (ESFL), can meet their needs. accountability, ensuring that the information is generated with conformity, reliability and timeliness, in compliance with Chapter IV (Accountability), Section I - General Rules and Section II - Term, of Law No. 13.019 of 31 July 2014, known as the New Regulatory Framework for the Third Sector and the basis for ESFL to implement good governance practices. Design / Methodology / Approach: This study is classified as being exploratory and explanatory, with a qualitative approach based on the observation and survey of financial sector activities in the 1st semester of 2019, following the financial movement, as well as the budgetary execution of social projects, maintained through resources. (municipal and federal) and their own fundraising projects. The study is an interventionist action at The House of Children and Adolescents (CCAVA), which is a Non-Profit Entity (ESFL), in the city of Valinhos / SP, acting in three assistance projects, aimed at children and adolescents, they are: Projects Reception, Open Window, Welcoming Family and a fourth project called República, in the planning phase, which will serve young people over the age of 18. The data collection will be through weekly on-site monitoring, carrying out the survey and interacting with the Financial Director, the Coordinator and the assistants of the financial / administrative department. Practical implications: This study will implement a financial and budget management system (ERP), created specifically for the third sector, called Conta NPO © (Non Profit-Organization), to integrate budget execution with financial and accounting controls and improve the generation process accountability of the entity to the public sector and to society. Originality and Contributions. The implementation of the system allowed to automate the budgetary and financial execution processes and generating information through reports and spreadsheets for outsourced accounting, eliminating the need for parallel controls, which generate reworks and errors due to repetition of information entries in more than one type of information. control. It will also offer a view of results segregated by projects. In time it will be possible to provide information to build the institution's management processes, in line with the new demands generated by the MROSC. Results: Among the results achieved, we highlight that the monthly closings of budgetary and financial execution for, the sending of information to outsourced accounting, was reduced, from an average term of 3 months to 1 month. It has also been possible to measure and monitor the financial result within each month, segregated from each of the projects, and the rework process in the typing of all financial transactions has been eliminated, stopping feeding spreadsheets, for a unified launch in the financial processes, because as the budgetary execution is carried out in the system, it will automatically feed a report, exportable as a spreadsheet, in the form of a “Daily Book”, where the financial transaction presents the accounting accounts classified. The system also issues reports to ESFL's outsourced accounting, which streamlines the expense accounting process. The study sought to implement an ERP that was cost-effective to maintain and implement and that also specifically met the needs of a Third Sector Entity, to manage resources, financial and patrimonial resources of social projects.
terceiro setor , ERP , prestação de contas , marco regulatório das organizações da sociedade civil
Assuntos Scopus
SANTOS, Fabricio Aquino dos. A Implantação do ERP conta-npo para gestão orçamentária e financeira a luz da lei 13.019/2014. 2019. 110 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Controladoria e Finanças Empresariais) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2019.