O tratado do espaço de 1967 e suas consequências
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Cunha, Isabella Magoi
Almeida, Maria Cecília Ladeira de
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O presente artigo tem como finalidade a análise do Tratado Sobre Princípios Reguladores das Atividades dos Estados na Exploração e Uso do Espaço Cósmico, Inclusive a Lua e Demais Corpos Celestes, em meio ao Direito Internacional e o Direito Espacial, destacando as omissões presentes no texto do instrumento, em especial o artigo 4°, e as possíveis consequências que essas podem ocasionar para relações futuras. O trabalho busca evidencias os malefícios que a militarização total do espaço cósmico pode acarretar para o globo e todos os que o habitam, bem como a necessidade de se fortalecer a cooperação internacional no ambiente extremo. Por fim, acerca da metodologia, foi utilizado o método dedutivo, através de inúmeras pesquisas bibliográficas.
This article aims the analysis of the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, through the International Law and the Space Law, highlighting the omissions present in the instrument's text, in particular the article 4°, and the consequences that these may have for future relationships. The work seeks to highlight the harm that the total militarization of cosmic space can cause to the globe and all who inhabit it, as well as the need to strengthen international cooperation in the extreme environment. Finally, regarding the methodology, the deductive method was used, through countless bibliographic searches.
This article aims the analysis of the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, through the International Law and the Space Law, highlighting the omissions present in the instrument's text, in particular the article 4°, and the consequences that these may have for future relationships. The work seeks to highlight the harm that the total militarization of cosmic space can cause to the globe and all who inhabit it, as well as the need to strengthen international cooperation in the extreme environment. Finally, regarding the methodology, the deductive method was used, through countless bibliographic searches.
espaço cósmico , direito espacial , militarização , cooperação , cosmic space , space law , militarization , cooperation