Alienação parental
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Silva, Carolina Antunes
Knippel, Edson Luz
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O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso versa esclarecer sobre a prática de alienação parental, características, indícios, condutas do alienador, bem como a ocorrência da Síndrome da Alienação Parental, fazendo uma breve análise e relação com a legislação especial (Lei nº 12.318/2010), juntamente com a proteção existente às crianças e adolescentes, mais conhecido como ECA (Lei nº 8.069/1990). Abordando sobre a manipulação exercida, geralmente por um dos pais, sobre crianças ou adolescentes contra o outro genitor, caracterizando a conduta de alienação parental, a guarda compartilhada surge como meio de prevenção e afastamento dos atos alienatórios. Sendo detectada a alienação parental, devem ser adotadas medidas para amenizar seus efeitos, constatando a importância do acompanhamento familiar por especialistas da área de psicologia e/ou assistência social, e seu amparo pelo Poder Judiciário para soluções da Síndrome da Alienação Parental.
The present work aims to clarify the parental alienation, characteristics, evidences, conduct of the alienator, as well as the occurrence of the Parental Alienation Syndrome, making a brief analysis and relation with the special legislation (Law 12.318/2010), together with the existing protection of the children and adolescents, better known as RCTs (Law 8.069/1990). Addressing the manipulation usually carried out by one parent, on children or adolescents, against the other parent, characterizing the conduct of parental alienation, shared custody appears as a means of prevention and removal from alienating acts. If parental alienation is detected, measures should be adopted to mitigate its effects, noting the importance of family counseling by specialists in the area of psychology and/or social assistance, and its support by the Judiciary for solutions to the Parental Alienation Syndrome.
The present work aims to clarify the parental alienation, characteristics, evidences, conduct of the alienator, as well as the occurrence of the Parental Alienation Syndrome, making a brief analysis and relation with the special legislation (Law 12.318/2010), together with the existing protection of the children and adolescents, better known as RCTs (Law 8.069/1990). Addressing the manipulation usually carried out by one parent, on children or adolescents, against the other parent, characterizing the conduct of parental alienation, shared custody appears as a means of prevention and removal from alienating acts. If parental alienation is detected, measures should be adopted to mitigate its effects, noting the importance of family counseling by specialists in the area of psychology and/or social assistance, and its support by the Judiciary for solutions to the Parental Alienation Syndrome.
alienação parental , alienador , criança e adolescente , síndrome da alienação parental , guarda compartilhada , parental alienation , alienator , child and teenager , parental alienation syndrome , shared guard