A vida se vai, mas os bytes ficam: uma análise das decisões judiciais nos tribunais estaduais de grande porte do Brasil referentes a questões digitais após a morte
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Garcez, Luiz Felipe Monteiro
Ariente, Eduardo Altomare
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O tema "A vida se vai, mas os bytes ficam" aborda a questão da herança digital, dos “fantasmas digitais”, a proteção de dados de falecidos, bem como a sucessão patrimonial de ativos e rastros digitais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar as decisões judiciais publicadas até setembro de 2023 que tinham como objeto questões digitais após a morte. Foi utilizado o banco de dados jurisprudencial dos tribunais estaduais classificados como de grande porte, sendo eles São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul e Paraná. A análise destas decisões judiciais permitiu identificar os principais entendimentos destes tribunais sobre o assunto. Por fim, os resultados obtidos serviram para aprimorar o entendimento jurídico sobre as questões digitais após a morte, confirmando que a principal controvérsia se dá na forma de como preservar a intimidade dos envolvidos com o desejo dos herdeiros em acessar esses dados. No mais, ficou evidente que ainda existem poucos litígios judiciais sobre essas questões e que os julgadores buscaram solucioná-las aplicando por analogia as normas jurídicas já existentes, diante da ausência de regulamentação específica.
The theme "Life fades away, but bytes remain" addresses the issue of digital inheritance, "digital ghosts," the protection of deceased individuals' data, as well as the succession of assets and digital traces. The objective of this study was to analyze judicial decisions published until September 2023 that focused on digital issues after death. The jurisprudential database of major state courts, namely São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul, and Paraná, was utilized. The analysis of these judicial decisions allowed for the identification of the main perspectives of these courts on the subject. Ultimately, the results obtained contributed to enhancing the legal understanding of digital issues after death, confirming that the primary controversy lies in how to balance the privacy of those involved with the heirs' desire to access this data. Furthermore, it became evident that there are still few legal disputes on these matters, and judges sought to resolve them by applying existing legal norms by analogy due to the lack of specific regulations.
The theme "Life fades away, but bytes remain" addresses the issue of digital inheritance, "digital ghosts," the protection of deceased individuals' data, as well as the succession of assets and digital traces. The objective of this study was to analyze judicial decisions published until September 2023 that focused on digital issues after death. The jurisprudential database of major state courts, namely São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul, and Paraná, was utilized. The analysis of these judicial decisions allowed for the identification of the main perspectives of these courts on the subject. Ultimately, the results obtained contributed to enhancing the legal understanding of digital issues after death, confirming that the primary controversy lies in how to balance the privacy of those involved with the heirs' desire to access this data. Furthermore, it became evident that there are still few legal disputes on these matters, and judges sought to resolve them by applying existing legal norms by analogy due to the lack of specific regulations.
herança digital , fantasmas digitais , proteção de dados pós-morte , sucessão patrimonial digital , digital inheritance , digital ghosts , post-mortem data protection , digital estate succession