A possibilidade de concessão de regime de recuperação judicial, extrajudicial e falência para associações civis sem fins lucrativos
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Leal, Matheus Morais Guiguet
Lima, Cinira Gomes
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Este trabalho busca, a partir do estudo de casos e exame da lei, analisar a natureza, evolução e aplicação dos mecanismos previstos pela Lei nº 11.101/2005 (Lei de Falência e Recuperação Judicial – “LRE”) em associações civis sem fins lucrativos, que, em meio à crise econômico-financeira, se encontram sem o devido amparo legal e carecem de instrumentos taxativos no ordenamento jurídico pátrio para manutenção de suas atividades produtivas. De início, examina o caráter dos dispositivos da recuperação judicial e, sumariamente, da recuperação extrajudicial e da falência no contexto da evolução do regime jurídico de insolvência empresarial no Brasil. Em seguida, é feita uma inspeção do conceito jurídico de empresa e a legitimidade ad causam de associações civis sem fins lucrativos à luz de precedentes que apontam o escopo econômico de tais instituições como elemento configurador de empresa. Na sequência, passa a estudar a estruturação e a relevância cultural e socioeconômica de associações civis sem fins lucrativos sob o pano do entendimento doutrinário. Ao fim, expõe a problemática do sistema normativo brasileiro, ressaltando o impacto jurídico-social decorrente da adoção dos mecanismos previstos pela LRE por associações civis sem fins lucrativos. Com vistas a viabilizar este trabalho, serão abordados o empresário e a sociedade empresária no Brasil, à luz da doutrina e da lei, bem como a aplicação e correspondência dos institutos supracitados às associações civis sem fins lucrativos para fins de concessão dos instrumentos previstos pela LRE para superação da crise que assola o devedor.
Based on case studies and an examination of the law, this paper seeks to analyze the nature, evolution and application of the mechanisms provided for by Law No. 11.101/2005 (the Bankruptcy and Judicial Reorganization Law - "LRE") in non-profit civil associations, which, in the midst of the economic and financial crisis, find themselves without proper legal support and lacking the instruments set out in the country's legal system to maintain their productive activities. It begins by examining the nature of the provisions for judicial reorganization and, briefly, out-of-court reorganization and bankruptcy in the context of the evolution of the legal regime for corporate insolvency in Brazil. This is followed by an inspection of the legal concept of company and the legitimacy ad causam of non-profit civil associations in the light of precedents that point to the economic scope of such institutions as an element that configures a company. It then goes on to study the structuring and cultural and socio-economic relevance of non-profit civil associations in the light of doctrinal understanding. Finally, it exposes the problems of the Brazilian regulatory system, highlighting the legal and social impact of the adoption of the mechanisms provided for by the LRE by non-profit civil associations. In order to make this work feasible, the entrepreneur and the entrepreneurial company in Brazil will be addressed in the light of doctrine and the law, as well as the application and correspondence of the aforementioned institutes to non-profit civil associations for the purpose of granting the intruments provided for by the LRE to overcome the crisis that plagues the debtor.
Based on case studies and an examination of the law, this paper seeks to analyze the nature, evolution and application of the mechanisms provided for by Law No. 11.101/2005 (the Bankruptcy and Judicial Reorganization Law - "LRE") in non-profit civil associations, which, in the midst of the economic and financial crisis, find themselves without proper legal support and lacking the instruments set out in the country's legal system to maintain their productive activities. It begins by examining the nature of the provisions for judicial reorganization and, briefly, out-of-court reorganization and bankruptcy in the context of the evolution of the legal regime for corporate insolvency in Brazil. This is followed by an inspection of the legal concept of company and the legitimacy ad causam of non-profit civil associations in the light of precedents that point to the economic scope of such institutions as an element that configures a company. It then goes on to study the structuring and cultural and socio-economic relevance of non-profit civil associations in the light of doctrinal understanding. Finally, it exposes the problems of the Brazilian regulatory system, highlighting the legal and social impact of the adoption of the mechanisms provided for by the LRE by non-profit civil associations. In order to make this work feasible, the entrepreneur and the entrepreneurial company in Brazil will be addressed in the light of doctrine and the law, as well as the application and correspondence of the aforementioned institutes to non-profit civil associations for the purpose of granting the intruments provided for by the LRE to overcome the crisis that plagues the debtor.
lei de falência e recuperação judicial , associações civis , empresa , ordenamento jurídico , bankruptcy and judicial reorganization law , civil associations , company , legal system