A responsabilidade civil dos influenciadores digitais na divulgação de produtos na internet
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Motta, Bárbara Gouvêa
Almeida, Washington Carlos de
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A presente monografia busca demonstrar a possibilidade e os fundamentos para aplicação da responsabilidade civil na atividade desenvolvida pelo influenciador digital, que consiste na divulgação de produtos e serviços em suas redes sociais, quando caracterizada a contratação pela empresa detentora da marca e o retorno financeiro. Para tanto, serão analisadas as formas de regulamentação da atividade publicitária, especialmente através do Conselho Nacional de Auto-regulamentação Publicitária (CONAR) e a necessidade de respeito aos preceitos presentes no Código de Defesa do Consumidor, decorrente do poder de persuasão do influenciador e sua posição de garantidor perante seus seguidores.
This monograph seeks to demonstrate the possibility and grounds for the applying civil liability in the activity developed by the digital influencer, which consists of the dissemination of products and services on their social networks, when characterized the hiring by the company that owns the brand and the financial return. In order to do so, the ways of regulating advertising activity will be analyzed, especially through the National Council of Self-Regulation Advertising (CONAR) and the need to respect the precepts present in the Consumer Defense Code, resulting from the influencer's power of persuasion and his position as warrantor, before his followers.
This monograph seeks to demonstrate the possibility and grounds for the applying civil liability in the activity developed by the digital influencer, which consists of the dissemination of products and services on their social networks, when characterized the hiring by the company that owns the brand and the financial return. In order to do so, the ways of regulating advertising activity will be analyzed, especially through the National Council of Self-Regulation Advertising (CONAR) and the need to respect the precepts present in the Consumer Defense Code, resulting from the influencer's power of persuasion and his position as warrantor, before his followers.
influenciador digital , responsabilidade civil , CONAR , direito do consumidor , digital influencer , civil responsability , consumer rights