“Não acabou, tem que acabar”: o papel das polícias no genocídio da população negra à luz dos crimes de maio de 2006
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Barreto, Carolina Rosmaninho Beraldo
Almeida, Jéssica Pascoal Santos
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Em maio de 2006, uma série de ataques atribuídos a facção Primeiro Comando da Capital serviu como aval para que a polícia do estado de São Paulo saísse às ruas para executar pessoas consideradas suspeitas. O episódio teve mais de quatro centenas de mortes como saldo, e é usado como perspectiva no trabalho a seguir. A letalidade policial apresenta-se como um problema para a sociedade, mas um projeto para o Estado. Ao menos 43.171 pessoas foram vítimas fatais de ações de policiais civis ou militares no Brasil desde 2013. O tema da pesquisa é a polícia que mata e seu papel no genocídio instituído pelo Estado. O objetivo principal da pesquisa foi analisar se os Crimes de Maio de 2006 se configuram como mais um episódio do genocídio da população negra no Brasil. Para chegar à resposta, discutiu-se o fenômeno do genocídio da população negra, e o evento chamado de Crimes de Maio foi descrito em detalhes. A metodologia utilizada foi a revisão de literatura, recorrendo a artigos científicos e livros que abordam a questão da letalidade policial, o genocídio da população negra, a necropolítica de Estado e os Crimes de Maio de 2006. A partir de um panorama sobre o exercício de controle do Estado brasileiro sobre suas populações vulneráveis, foram analisadas as execuções sumárias de Maio de 2006 e de todos os dias nas metrópoles. O trabalho expõe o racismo, o capitalismo e as heranças do período ditatorial como elementos em um intrincado de extermínio que possibilita a existência do Estado. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam os Crimes de Maio de 2006 como mais um triste episódio do genocídio da população negra no Brasil, sendo esse um pilar da estruturação do Estado.
In May of 2006, a series of attacks attributed to the faction First Command of the Capital were used as endorsement for the São Paulo state police to go into the streets to execute people that looked suspicious. The episode had more than four hundred deaths, and it is used as perspective in the following work. Police lethality presents itself as a problem for society, although to the State, it’s part of their project. At least 43,171 people were fatal victims of civil or military police actions in Brazil since 2013. The research’s theme is police lethality and its role in the genocide established by the State. The primary goal of the research was to analyze if the Crimes of May 2006 configure as another episode of the Black genocide in Brazil. To answer this question, the phenomenon of Black genocide was discussed, and the event called Crimes of May was thoroughly described. The methodology used was literature review, resorting to scientific articles and books that approach the issue of police lethality, Black genocide, the State’s necropolicy, and the Crimes of May of 2006. From an overview of the Brazilian State’s exercise of control over its vulnerable populations, the research analyzed the summary executions of May 2006 and of everyday in the metropolises. The work exposes racism, capitalism, and the dictatorial period’s inheritance elements in an intricate of extermination that makes the existence of the State possible. The research results point out the Crimes of May 2006 as another sad episode of the Black genocide in Brazil, which is a pillar of the structuring of the State.
In May of 2006, a series of attacks attributed to the faction First Command of the Capital were used as endorsement for the São Paulo state police to go into the streets to execute people that looked suspicious. The episode had more than four hundred deaths, and it is used as perspective in the following work. Police lethality presents itself as a problem for society, although to the State, it’s part of their project. At least 43,171 people were fatal victims of civil or military police actions in Brazil since 2013. The research’s theme is police lethality and its role in the genocide established by the State. The primary goal of the research was to analyze if the Crimes of May 2006 configure as another episode of the Black genocide in Brazil. To answer this question, the phenomenon of Black genocide was discussed, and the event called Crimes of May was thoroughly described. The methodology used was literature review, resorting to scientific articles and books that approach the issue of police lethality, Black genocide, the State’s necropolicy, and the Crimes of May of 2006. From an overview of the Brazilian State’s exercise of control over its vulnerable populations, the research analyzed the summary executions of May 2006 and of everyday in the metropolises. The work exposes racism, capitalism, and the dictatorial period’s inheritance elements in an intricate of extermination that makes the existence of the State possible. The research results point out the Crimes of May 2006 as another sad episode of the Black genocide in Brazil, which is a pillar of the structuring of the State.
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letalidade policial , racismo , genocídio , police lethality , racism , genocide