O casamento infantil e a ineficácia da lei que o proíbe no Brasil
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Garcia, Isabela Ribeiro Pagliuca
Saad, Martha Solange Scherer
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O casamento civil só surgiu no ano de 1891 no Brasil, porém, a Constituição Federal de 1988 representou um grande marco na evolução do direito de família e, consequentemente, outras formas de entidade familiar. Com o passar do tempo o conceito de família e casamento foi evoluindo em nossa sociedade, e o Direito – a passos lentos – acompanhou essa evolução. No caso do Brasil, o ideal patriarcal de “família” é visível, ainda, o discurso machista e misógino inserido em todas as áreas nas quais a mulher tem lutado por voz e espaço, embora se observe um avanço na conquista de direitos. Não obstante, o Brasil é o primeiro no ranking latino-americano nos denominados “casamentos infantis”, em que pese o advento da Lei 13.811/2019, a qual proíbe qualquer forma de casamentos a indivíduos que não tenham completado dezesseis anos. Observa-se ainda, lacuna legislativa em relação à idade mínima para configuração da união estável, permitindo que milhares de crianças e adolescentes, principalmente mulheres, vivam em matrimônio de fato. Para tanto, a fim de adentrar ao proposito deste trabalho, ele contará com o uso do método dedutivo e revisão bibliográfica. Usará de dados obtidos através de pesquisas internacionais realizadas por órgãos oficiais e análise das condições que perpetuam o casamento infantil no Brasil e o necessário para acabar com essa prática.
Civil marriage only appeared in 1891 in Brazil, however, the 1988 Federal Constitution represented a major milestone in the evolution of family law and, consequently, other forms of family entity. Over time, the concept of family and marriage evolved in our society, and the Law - with slow steps - followed this evolution. In the case of Brazil, the patriarchal ideal of "family" is still visible, the sexist and misogynist discourse inserted in all areas in which women have been fighting for voice and space, although there is an advance in the conquest of rights. Nevertheless, Brazil is the first in the Latin American ranking in the so-called “child marriages”, despite the advent of Law 13,811 / 2019, which prohibits any form of marriage without having to be sixteen years old. There is also a legislative gap in relation to the minimum age for setting up a stable union, allowing children and adolescents, especially women, to live in de facto marriage. Therefore, in order to get into the purpose of this work, it will rely on the use of the deductive method and bibliographic review. It will use data obtained through international research carried out by official agencies and analysis of the conditions that perpetuate child marriage in Brazil and what is necessary to end this practice.
Civil marriage only appeared in 1891 in Brazil, however, the 1988 Federal Constitution represented a major milestone in the evolution of family law and, consequently, other forms of family entity. Over time, the concept of family and marriage evolved in our society, and the Law - with slow steps - followed this evolution. In the case of Brazil, the patriarchal ideal of "family" is still visible, the sexist and misogynist discourse inserted in all areas in which women have been fighting for voice and space, although there is an advance in the conquest of rights. Nevertheless, Brazil is the first in the Latin American ranking in the so-called “child marriages”, despite the advent of Law 13,811 / 2019, which prohibits any form of marriage without having to be sixteen years old. There is also a legislative gap in relation to the minimum age for setting up a stable union, allowing children and adolescents, especially women, to live in de facto marriage. Therefore, in order to get into the purpose of this work, it will rely on the use of the deductive method and bibliographic review. It will use data obtained through international research carried out by official agencies and analysis of the conditions that perpetuate child marriage in Brazil and what is necessary to end this practice.
casamento infantil , infância , código civil , estatuto da criança e do adolescente , child marriage , childhood , civil code , child and adolescent statute