A sensibilidade na tradução bíblica: aspectos lingüísticos e socioculturais

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Lopes, Mariú Moreira Madureira
Neves, Maria Helena de Moura
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Benício, Paulo José
Souza, Maria Suely Crocci de
Besides its instructional or dogmatic aspects, the Bible is considered a sacred book that has determined human behavior and acquired a sentimental value for people who consider it sacred. But most of its readers have access to it only through translation. So, if there is on one hand an untouchable object that cannot be tampered with, on the other hand the translation is seen as a tool that touches this text modality and, because of this, subjects itself to total sacralization or total demoralization. It is in this impasse that this research is established, because according to Simms (1997), the Bible is characterized as a sensitive text, due to the fact that its translation can provoke objection from receptors that hope to see the reproduction of the Original as God has left it. In this perspective, the functionalist theories of language are very important for Bible analysis, because they approach not only linguistic aspects but also pragmatic ones. On this basis, this research observes the sensitivity in Biblical translation, in the light of the three features of the context of situation ( field , tenor and mode ) and the metafunctions of language ( ideational , interpersonal and textual ) proposed by Halliday (1987). For this purpose, a comparative study of linguistic aspects in the Epistle to the Ephesians was done, observing the three Biblical versions most used in current Protestantism: Versão revista e atualizada - 2ª edição, Nova versão internacional e Nova tradução na linguagem de hoje. Besides this, a questionnaire was prepared with questions whose aim is to analyze receptors expectations about Biblical translation. With this research, we aim at verifying linguistic and socio-cultural aspects observed in the analyzed Portuguese versions of the Bible, which are supposed to be present in the mentality of the current receptor, making it possible to discuss the peculiarities seen in the translation of sacred texts, highlighted in this research: the sacred nature, the language of religion and the focus of translation.
contexto de situação , metafunções da linguagem , texto sagrado , texto sensível , tradução , Bible , context of situation , metafunctions of language , sacred , sensitive text , translation
Assuntos Scopus
LOPES, Mariú Moreira Madureira. A sensibilidade na tradução bíblica: aspectos lingüísticos e socioculturais. 2008. 170 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2008.