Mudanças climáticas e sustentabilidade: análise da temática a partir do direito ambiental internacional
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Moreira, Nathália François
Rodrigues, Geisa De Assis
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Direitos fundamentais, como vida e dignidade, estão intimamente ligados ao equilíbrio ambiental. Contudo, o cenário atual de crise climática representa uma ameaça iminente para todos os seres. Diante das evidências de que as mudanças climáticas são induzidas pela ação humana, foram incluídas metas para combate à mudança climática dentre os 17 Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, que compõem a Agenda 2030. E mesmo na vigência de pactos globais sobre o clima, os relatórios internacionais seguem apontando um aumento progressivo dos riscos para a vida das gerações presentes e futuras. Desse modo, este estudo objetiva analisar, através do prisma da proteção ambiental internacional, as questões atuais que envolvem o tema, as constatações acerca do papel humano na superação da crise climática, e o papel da cooperação global e da educação ambiental para proteger a vida no planeta.
Fundamental rights, such as life and dignity, are closely connected to environmental balance. However, the current climate crisis scenario represents an imminent threat to all beings. Given the evidence that climate change is induced by human action, targets to combat climate change were included among the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which compose the 2030 Agenda. And even with global climate pacts, the reports of international organizations continue to point to progressive increases in risks to the lives of present and future generations. Thus, this study aims to analyze, based on international environmental protection, the current issues involving this subject, the findings about the human role in overcoming the climate crisis, and the role of global cooperation and environmental education to protect life on the planet.
Fundamental rights, such as life and dignity, are closely connected to environmental balance. However, the current climate crisis scenario represents an imminent threat to all beings. Given the evidence that climate change is induced by human action, targets to combat climate change were included among the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which compose the 2030 Agenda. And even with global climate pacts, the reports of international organizations continue to point to progressive increases in risks to the lives of present and future generations. Thus, this study aims to analyze, based on international environmental protection, the current issues involving this subject, the findings about the human role in overcoming the climate crisis, and the role of global cooperation and environmental education to protect life on the planet.
mudanças climáticas , direito fundamental ao desenvolvimento sustentável , cooperação global , climate changes , fundamental right to sustainable , development global cooperation