Proteção aos direitos do consumidor no e-commerce
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Carmo, Priscila Misko Braz do
Costa, Cláudia Márcia
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O advento do e-commerce e o seu desenvolvimento acelerado trouxeram diversos benefícios aos seus usuários, como a praticidade e a rapidez na aquisição de produtos e serviços. Contudo, devido ao número cada vez maior de consumidores que o utilizam, muitos deles com receios e inseguranças acerca do ambiente virtual para realizar compras, surgiram vários temas para reflexão. Dentre as reflexões, questiona-se quais seriam os mecanismos de proteção aos direitos do consumidor no comércio virtual e qual legislação seria aplicada ao caso, tendo em vista que não há uma lei específica para o e-commerce. Ademais, há o questionamento se as leis que são aplicadas ao comércio eletrônico seriam suficientes para garantir proteção legal efetiva aos consumidores. Verifica-se que, nos dias de hoje, o consumidor que utiliza o e-commerce possui ampla proteção legal, por meio do Código de Defesa do Consumidor (CDC); do Código Civil, de forma subsidiária; do Decreto nº 7.962/2013, que regulamenta o Código de Defesa do Consumidor no que tange às contratações no comércio eletrônico; além do Marco Civil da Internet (MCI), que impacta positivamente o uso do comércio eletrônico. De acordo com a análise das leis aplicáveis ao e-commerce, bem como dos princípios decorrentes do CDC, conclui-se que há mecanismos que asseguram os direitos do consumidor no comércio eletrônico suficientes para garantir uma eficiente proteção legal e aumentar a confiança ao utilizar o ambiente virtual.
The advent of e-commerce and its accelerated development brought several benefits to its users, such as practicality and agility in the acquisition of products and services. However, due to the increasing number of consumers who use it, many of them still feel afraid and insecure about making online purchases, several topics for reflection have emerged. Among the reflections, it is questioned what are the mechanisms to protect consumer rights in virtual commerce and what legislation would be applied to the case, considering that there is no specific law for e-commerce. In addition, there is a question whether the law applied to electronic commerce is enough to protect the consumers. It appears that, nowadays, the Brazilian consumer who uses e-commerce has extensive legal protection, through the Código de Defesa do Consumidor (CDC); the Código Civil, in a subsidiary way; the Decree 7.962/2013, which regulates the Consumer Protection Law in regard to contracting in e-commerce; in addition to the Marco Civil da Internet (MCI), which positively impacts the use of electronic commerce. According to analysis of the applicable laws to e-commerce, as well as the principles derived from the CDC, it is concluded that the mechanisms that ensure consumer rights in electronic commerce are sufficient to guarantee efficient legal protection and increase consumers’ confidence to use the web environment.
The advent of e-commerce and its accelerated development brought several benefits to its users, such as practicality and agility in the acquisition of products and services. However, due to the increasing number of consumers who use it, many of them still feel afraid and insecure about making online purchases, several topics for reflection have emerged. Among the reflections, it is questioned what are the mechanisms to protect consumer rights in virtual commerce and what legislation would be applied to the case, considering that there is no specific law for e-commerce. In addition, there is a question whether the law applied to electronic commerce is enough to protect the consumers. It appears that, nowadays, the Brazilian consumer who uses e-commerce has extensive legal protection, through the Código de Defesa do Consumidor (CDC); the Código Civil, in a subsidiary way; the Decree 7.962/2013, which regulates the Consumer Protection Law in regard to contracting in e-commerce; in addition to the Marco Civil da Internet (MCI), which positively impacts the use of electronic commerce. According to analysis of the applicable laws to e-commerce, as well as the principles derived from the CDC, it is concluded that the mechanisms that ensure consumer rights in electronic commerce are sufficient to guarantee efficient legal protection and increase consumers’ confidence to use the web environment.
e-commerce , segurança , legislação , direitos do consumidor , web security , legislation , consumer rights