Representatividade da cidadã travesti e transexual na sociedade civil: fundo partidário como forma de alavancar candidturas
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Silva, Natália Lourenço da
Fabretti, Humberto Barrionuevo
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O presente artigo aborda as relações sociais que permeiam o construto acerca da persona das mulheres transexuais e travestis na atual conjuntura histórico-política brasileira, com o intuito de apresentar os fatores que determinam a marginalização desses sujeitos e evidenciar os entraves sociais enfrentados por eles. Dessa forma, procurou-se estabelecer parâmetros sociopolíticos que justificassem a ausência dessas mulheres em locais de poder estratégicos do Poder Público. Para mais, encaminhou-se o debate para análise dos argumentos teóricos que permeiam o financiamento de campanha eleitoral com a finalidade de apreender uma possível via de acesso desses sujeitos a locais de poder.
This article discusses the social relations that permeate the construct around the persona of transsexual and transvestite women in the current Brazilian historical-political conjuncture, with the purpose of presenting the factors that determine the marginalization of these subjects and highlighting the social barriers faced by them. Thus, we sought to establish sociopolitical parameters that justified the absence of these women in strategic places of power of the Government. Moreover, the debate was directed to the analysis of the theoretical arguments that permeate the campaign financing with the purpose of apprehending a possible way of access of these subjects to places of power.
This article discusses the social relations that permeate the construct around the persona of transsexual and transvestite women in the current Brazilian historical-political conjuncture, with the purpose of presenting the factors that determine the marginalization of these subjects and highlighting the social barriers faced by them. Thus, we sought to establish sociopolitical parameters that justified the absence of these women in strategic places of power of the Government. Moreover, the debate was directed to the analysis of the theoretical arguments that permeate the campaign financing with the purpose of apprehending a possible way of access of these subjects to places of power.
transsexual women brazilian , mulheres transsexuais