Os efeitos da pandemia da covid-19 na balança comercial brasileira
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Mohamad, Aissar Eiad
Pereira, Gabriela Bellio
Camano, Geovanna Arnou
Liu , Yihao
Pereira, Gabriela Bellio
Camano, Geovanna Arnou
Liu , Yihao
Gallon, Francisca
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A pandemia de Covid-19, causada pelo vírus SARS-CoV-2, desencadeou uma das maiores crises mundial no último século, impactando os aspectos econômicos, sociais, políticos e culturais dos países, inclusive o comércio internacional. A diminuição da produção, os choques de oferta e demanda, a falta de containers, os lockdowns, os novos hábitos dos consumidores e o forte cenário de incertezas, fez com que o Brasil sentisse, diretamente, os reflexos da pandemia em sua balança comercial. Desta forma, o objetivo deste estudo é determinar, por meio de uma análise de pesquisa dos dados, qual foi o impacto da pandemia de COVID-19 na balança comercial do Brasil. Este estudo utiliza-se do método quantitativo, com objetivos descritivos, e seus dados foram obtidos em sites governamentais. Por meio da análise de 2020 e 2021, em relação ao ano de 2019, conclui se que em 2020, o valor total de importação e exportação do Brasil diminuiu, e em 2021, o valor total de importação e exportação do Brasil aumentou significativamente, sendo este, o ano de maior valor bruto de importação e exportação do Brasil, nos últimos dez anos.
The Covid-19 pandemic, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, triggered one of the biggest global crises in the last century, impacting the economic, social, political and cultural aspects of countries, including international trade. The decrease in production, supply and demand shocks, lack of containers, lockdowns, new consumer habits and the strong scenario of uncertainties, made Brazil feel directly the effects of the pandemic on its trade balance. In this way, the objective of this study is to determine, through a research analysis of the data, what was the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Brazil's trade balance. This study uses the quantitative method, with descriptive objectives, and its data were obtained from government websites. Through the analysis of 2020 and 2021, in relation to the year 2019, it is concluded that in 2020, the total value of imports and exports from Brazil decreased, and in 2021, the total value of imports and exports from Brazil increased significantly, this being the year with the highest gross import and export value in Brazil in the last ten years.
The Covid-19 pandemic, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, triggered one of the biggest global crises in the last century, impacting the economic, social, political and cultural aspects of countries, including international trade. The decrease in production, supply and demand shocks, lack of containers, lockdowns, new consumer habits and the strong scenario of uncertainties, made Brazil feel directly the effects of the pandemic on its trade balance. In this way, the objective of this study is to determine, through a research analysis of the data, what was the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Brazil's trade balance. This study uses the quantitative method, with descriptive objectives, and its data were obtained from government websites. Through the analysis of 2020 and 2021, in relation to the year 2019, it is concluded that in 2020, the total value of imports and exports from Brazil decreased, and in 2021, the total value of imports and exports from Brazil increased significantly, this being the year with the highest gross import and export value in Brazil in the last ten years.
covid-19 , balança comercial , superávit , covid-19 , trade balance , surplus