Uma análise crítica dos requisitos para a concessão dos benefícios de prestação continuada e dos relativos ao dependente
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Monteiro, Fernando Franco de Lima
Soares, Alessandro de Oliveira
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Membros da banca
Assim como se verifica em diversos países do mundo, o Brasil dispõe de um sistema de
Seguridade Social voltado à promoção e viabilização dos princípios e direitos esposados em
sua Carta Magna, composto por benefícios sociais destinados àqueles que se encontram em
situação de vulnerabilidade social. Entretanto, esse colchão de proteção social deixa de acolher
muitos daqueles que dele necessitam, por não cumprirem todos os requisitos exigidos em lei
para cada benefício, quando de seu pleito, todos com suas particularidades. Diante de tal
situação, este trabalho faz uma análise dos critérios adotados pelo ordenamento jurídico
brasileiro para avaliar a concessão dessas prestações, a fim de verificar se cumprem a sua
função, tal como idealizada pelos legisladores, levando-se em conta os parâmetros
mundialmente utilizados para aferir e determinar a condição socioeconômica dos cidadãos, a
relação interpessoal que se estabelece entre os segurados e seus dependentes, bem como alguns
pressupostos lógicos que levariam a uma apuração diferente daquela que ocorre no mundo
fático. Verifica-se a existência de uma série de critérios que não observam o cumprimento ideal
dos princípios norteadores das leis que instituíram os benefícios analisado, que seria de modo
a permitir o acesso aos benefícios para aqueles que dele necessitam.
As in many countries, Brazil bears a Social Security network aimed to promote and ensure the application of the principles and rights written in the Federal Constitution, comprised of several social benefits destined to those which find themselves in a position of social vulnerability. However, this network does not provide assistance for all of those who pledge for it, due to the fact that many claimants are unable to fulfill the conditions imposed by the law for the concession of such benefits, each with its particularities. This paper aims to analyze the criteria adopted by the Brazilian legislators to assess the concession of the previously mentioned benefits, in order to verify if they fulfill their goal, according to their intended purpose upon inception, taking into account parameters utilized globally to measure and determine the socioeconomic status of the citizens, interpersonal relations, as well as some logical postulates that could lead to a different appraisal than that which occurs in the real world. It is possible to conclude that many criteria currently in play do not seek the ideal fulfillment of the guiding principles of the laws that created the analyzed benefits, in a way that could allow all of those who need the benefits to receive them.
As in many countries, Brazil bears a Social Security network aimed to promote and ensure the application of the principles and rights written in the Federal Constitution, comprised of several social benefits destined to those which find themselves in a position of social vulnerability. However, this network does not provide assistance for all of those who pledge for it, due to the fact that many claimants are unable to fulfill the conditions imposed by the law for the concession of such benefits, each with its particularities. This paper aims to analyze the criteria adopted by the Brazilian legislators to assess the concession of the previously mentioned benefits, in order to verify if they fulfill their goal, according to their intended purpose upon inception, taking into account parameters utilized globally to measure and determine the socioeconomic status of the citizens, interpersonal relations, as well as some logical postulates that could lead to a different appraisal than that which occurs in the real world. It is possible to conclude that many criteria currently in play do not seek the ideal fulfillment of the guiding principles of the laws that created the analyzed benefits, in a way that could allow all of those who need the benefits to receive them.
benefícios previdenciários , combate à desigualdade social , pobreza e miserabilidade , critérios para a concessão de benefício previdenciário , social security , social security benefits , combat against social inequity , poverty and destitution