A responsabilidade civil dos médicos e hospitais nos casos de violência obstétrica
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Barros, Leticia Verano
Corrêa, Márcia Maria de Barros
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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo a análise e identificação da violência obstétrica e
a responsabilidade civil daqueles que a cometem. São identificadas as condutas que são
consideradas violência contra a mulher gestante, parturiente e puérpera que podem ser
cometidas por profissionais a saúde e quais as formas de serem cometidas. As formas de
violência obstétricas são divididas em caráter físico, psicológico e sexual, que podem ser
cometidas na gestação, durante o parto e após o parto. O presente estudo também explica
a responsabilidade civil e os elementos essenciais para que seja caracterizado o dever de
reparar, e por fim, demonstra que a responsabilidade civil do médico é subjetiva, enquanto
a responsabilidade civil do hospital é objetiva.
This work aims to analyze and identify obstetric violence and the civil liability of those who commit it. Conducts that are considered violence against pregnant, parturient and postpartum women that can be committed by health professionals and which are the ways to be committed are identified. The forms of obstetric violence are divided into physical, psychological and sexual characteristics, which can be committed during pregnancy, during delivery and after delivery. The present study also explains civil liability and the essential elements for characterizing the duty to repair, and finally, it demonstrates that the physician's civil liability is subjective, while the hospital's civil liability is objective.
This work aims to analyze and identify obstetric violence and the civil liability of those who commit it. Conducts that are considered violence against pregnant, parturient and postpartum women that can be committed by health professionals and which are the ways to be committed are identified. The forms of obstetric violence are divided into physical, psychological and sexual characteristics, which can be committed during pregnancy, during delivery and after delivery. The present study also explains civil liability and the essential elements for characterizing the duty to repair, and finally, it demonstrates that the physician's civil liability is subjective, while the hospital's civil liability is objective.
violência obstétrica , responsabilidade civil , dever de reparar , responsabilidade objetiva , obstetric violence , civil responsability , duty to repair , strict liability