Albertina - um retrato cultural do morro
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Martins, Manuela Ferreira
Trigo, José Alves
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Haja vista que a desigualdade social é um fenômeno que abrange principalmente os
países subdesenvolvidos, o Brasil ocupa o 9º lugar no ranking global de
desigualdade econômica. Abrangendo o quesito das comunidades, o enredo do livro
vigente se passa na comunidade da Vila Albertina, no Morro do Piolho, zona norte
de São Paulo. Diferentemente de outras abordagens midiáticas em que se espera
notícias sobre tráfico de drogas, pobreza, balas perdidas, criminalidade e abusos de
autoridade policial, este livro retrata alguns comércios e ações sociais da região,
humanizando seus moradores e não apenas incluindo-os em números e estatísticas.
Desde a história do bairro contada pelo morador mais antigo Averaldo Nunes, à ação
social promovida pelo Instituto Projetando Sonhos de João Vitor Pego, o restaurante
mais conhecido que começou de uma caixa térmica de Ari Barbosa, os cabelos mais
procurados na barbearia de Marcelo Paixão da rua principal de comércios até o time
de futebol do coração do bairro coordenado por Tatiana Silva, o livro faz um resgate
cultural do bairro da Vila Albertina.
Given that social inequality is a phenomenon that mainly covers underdeveloped countries, Brazil ranks 9th in the global ranking of economic inequality. Covering the issue of communities, the plot of the current book takes place in the community of Vila Albertina, in Morro do Piolho, north of São Paulo. Unlike other media approaches where news is expected about drug trafficking, poverty, stray bullets, crime and police abuse, this book portrays some of the region's trades and social actions, humanizing its residents and not just including them in numbers and Statistics. From the history of the neighborhood told by the oldest resident Averaldo Nunes, to the social action promoted by the Projecting Dreams Institute of João Vitor Pego, the best known restaurant that started from an Ari Barbosa thermal box, the most sought after hair in Marcelo Paixão da Barbershop. main street of commerce until the soccer team of the heart of the neighborhood coordinated by Tatiana Silva, the book makes a cultural rescue of the neighborhood of Vila Albertina
Given that social inequality is a phenomenon that mainly covers underdeveloped countries, Brazil ranks 9th in the global ranking of economic inequality. Covering the issue of communities, the plot of the current book takes place in the community of Vila Albertina, in Morro do Piolho, north of São Paulo. Unlike other media approaches where news is expected about drug trafficking, poverty, stray bullets, crime and police abuse, this book portrays some of the region's trades and social actions, humanizing its residents and not just including them in numbers and Statistics. From the history of the neighborhood told by the oldest resident Averaldo Nunes, to the social action promoted by the Projecting Dreams Institute of João Vitor Pego, the best known restaurant that started from an Ari Barbosa thermal box, the most sought after hair in Marcelo Paixão da Barbershop. main street of commerce until the soccer team of the heart of the neighborhood coordinated by Tatiana Silva, the book makes a cultural rescue of the neighborhood of Vila Albertina
Vila Albertina , Morro do Piolho , comunidade , periferia , humanizado , cultura , Vila Albertina , Morro do Piolho , comunity , periphery , humanized , culture