Legal design e visual law: aplicação em contratos bancários e o jurídico como área estratégica na captação de clientes
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Ortega, Paola Rodrigues
Gurgel, Fernanda Pessanha do Amaral
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Membros da banca
Baseando-se no contexto histórico, desenvolvimento social e inovações tecnológicas, este trabalho visa analisar os princípios e técnicas vinculados ao Legal Design e ao Visual Law, de forma que possibilite contribuir para o desenvolvimento operacional das Instituições Financeiras, mas principalmente de seus departamentos jurídicos. Além disso, tem como objetivo demonstrar a importância do pensamento inovador para fins de garantir o acesso à justiça de qualidade e que é inerente à todo cidadão, avaliando inclusive a necessidade do direito em romper paradigmas complexos e antiquados, métodos que não acompanham a narrativa escrita pela sociedade atual. Dessa forma, busca refletir a forma como o jurídico vem se estabelecendo em empresas e o quão inteligentes seriam se abdicassem da estagnação e buscassem atuar em conjunto na “Engrenagem Comercial”, conforme abordado no decorrer deste trabalho, demonstrando que o uso do Legal Design e do Visual Law promove acessibilidade, empatia e conexão com o usuário.
Based on the historical context, social development and technological innovations, this work aims to analyze the principles and techniques linked to Legal Design and Visual Law, in a way that makes it possible to contribute to the operational Financial Institutions, but especially their legal departments. legal departments. It also aims to demonstrate the importance the importance of innovative thinking in order to guarantee access to quality justice. that is inherent to every citizen, including evaluating the need for the law to break complex and outdated paradigms, methods that do not keep up with the narrative written by today's society. In this way, it seeks to reflect on how how the legal system has established itself in companies and how intelligent they would be if they if they gave up stagnation and sought to work together in the "Commercial the "Commercial Gear", as discussed throughout this work, demonstrating that the Legal Design and Visual Law promotes accessibility, empathy and connection with the user. with the user.
Based on the historical context, social development and technological innovations, this work aims to analyze the principles and techniques linked to Legal Design and Visual Law, in a way that makes it possible to contribute to the operational Financial Institutions, but especially their legal departments. legal departments. It also aims to demonstrate the importance the importance of innovative thinking in order to guarantee access to quality justice. that is inherent to every citizen, including evaluating the need for the law to break complex and outdated paradigms, methods that do not keep up with the narrative written by today's society. In this way, it seeks to reflect on how how the legal system has established itself in companies and how intelligent they would be if they if they gave up stagnation and sought to work together in the "Commercial the "Commercial Gear", as discussed throughout this work, demonstrating that the Legal Design and Visual Law promotes accessibility, empathy and connection with the user. with the user.
legal design , visual law , inovação , contratos bancários , innovation , banking contracts , financial institution