Entre fios e páginas: o protagonismo de Penélope na Odisséia de Margaret Atwood
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Barbara, Esther dos Santos Menah
Corrêa, Lilian Cristina
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Não é de hoje que a representação de figuras femininas popularizadas pela mitologia antiga está distante de noções da sociedade atual. Com a modernização dos papéis de gênero na ordem social, surge a necessidade de se observar de que maneira essas representações acompanharam tais mudanças. Na tentativa de se constatar se essa mesma modernização tem acontecido nos livros contemporâneos e na noção de heroísmo que foi fundada no decorrer dos séculos, o trabalho de conclusão de curso em questão se propõe a analisar a obra de Margaret Atwood, A Odisseia de Penélope (2005), a partir de um modelo diferente da jornada do herói, focalizando agora no protagonismo feminino. Ao resgatar Penélope, a personagem clássica que ficou conhecida pela Odisseia de Homero, e as doze criadas assassinadas, o livro atualiza a visão masculina de sua primeira construção e desmistifica determinados aspectos das figuras mitológica, cabendo observar, aqui, de que forma essa subversão se filia às novas tendências socioculturais.
Even today, the representation of female figures popularized by ancient mythology remains distant from some notions of contemporary society. With the modernization of gender roles in the social order, there emerges a need to examine how these representations have evolved alongside such changes. Seeking to determine whether this same modernization is evident in contemporary literature and in the concept of heroism developed over the centuries, the present thesis aims to analyze Margaret Atwood's work, The Penelopiad (2005), using a different model of the hero's journey, now focusing on female protagonism. By revisiting Penelope, the classical character known from Homer's Odyssey, and the twelve murdered maids, the book updates the male-centric view of its initial construction and demystifies certain aspects of these mythological figures. Thus, it is pertinent to observe how this subversion aligns with new sociocultural trends.
Even today, the representation of female figures popularized by ancient mythology remains distant from some notions of contemporary society. With the modernization of gender roles in the social order, there emerges a need to examine how these representations have evolved alongside such changes. Seeking to determine whether this same modernization is evident in contemporary literature and in the concept of heroism developed over the centuries, the present thesis aims to analyze Margaret Atwood's work, The Penelopiad (2005), using a different model of the hero's journey, now focusing on female protagonism. By revisiting Penelope, the classical character known from Homer's Odyssey, and the twelve murdered maids, the book updates the male-centric view of its initial construction and demystifies certain aspects of these mythological figures. Thus, it is pertinent to observe how this subversion aligns with new sociocultural trends.
Trabalho aprovado com o conceito EXCELENTE.
protagonismo feminino , jornada da heroína , mitologia grega , pós-modernidade