CIDE-remessas: análise de sua (não)incidência com alíquota de 10% em relação a tratados contra a bitributação
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Gardelli, Maria Beatriz Gomes de Melo
Fiorin, Rangel Perrucci
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O presente estudo tem como foco a Contribuição de Intervenção no Domínio Econômico, conhecida
por sua sigla CIDE, incidente sobre remessas ao exterior (CIDE-Remessas), partindo-se
de um breve contexto histórico da importância e conceituação do tributo no decorrer da história
da humanidade. Após, será analisada a natureza jurídica do tributo para o Direito brasileiro,
os dois aspectos essenciais para a caracterização para sua incidência, a intervenção no domínio
econômico e a referibilidade. Em razão de se tratar sobre pagamentos remetidos ao exterior
será apreciado os tratados internacionais contra a dupla tributação, principalmente em relação
a sua interpretação. Outro ponto estudado será a Convenção Modelo da Organização para a
Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico que dá diretrizes sobre a economia entre Estados
soberanos, em especial acerca da bitributação, utilizada por diversos países, inclusive pelo Brasil.
Encerrando a análise de conceitos fundamentais para a discussão acerca da CIDE-Remessas
será apresentada a concepção de duas problemáticas da interpretação dos tratados internacionais,
o “treaty override” e o “treaty dodging”. Assim será exposto a problemática quanto à
CIDE-Remessa acerca do alargamento da sua incidência e o estabelecimento de alíquota em
10%,. Logo, será discutida a abrangência da CIDE-Remessa, acarretando na análise de sua
similaridade com a CSLL, como “tributo adicional”. Por fim, também será colocado em discussão
o parágrafo 4º, do artigo 2º da Convenção Modelo da OCDE, por tratar da abrangência de
determinado tratado ao tributo.
This study focuses on the Contribution for Intervention in the Economic Domain, known by its acronym CIDE, levied on remittances abroad (CIDE-Remessas), starting with a brief historical context of the importance and conceptualisation of the tax throughout human history. The legal nature of the tax under Brazilian law will then be analysed, along with the two essential aspects for characterising its incidence: intervention in the economic domain and referability. As it concerns payments remitted abroad, the international treaties against double taxation will be analysed, especially in relation to their interpretation. Another point studied will be the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s Model Convention, which gives guidelines on the economy between sovereign states, especially on double taxation, used by several countries, including Brazil. Closing the analysis of fundamental concepts for the discussion on CIDERemittances, we will present the concept of two problems in the interpretation of international treaties, treaty override and treaty dodging. The problem of the CIDE-Remittance will then be discussed in relation to the extension of its incidence and the establishment of a rate of 10%. The scope of CIDE-Remessa will then be discussed, leading to an analysis of its similarity to CSLL, as an ”additional tax”. Finally, paragraph 4 of Article 2 of the OECD Model Convention will also be discussed, as it deals with the scope of a given treaty to the tax.
This study focuses on the Contribution for Intervention in the Economic Domain, known by its acronym CIDE, levied on remittances abroad (CIDE-Remessas), starting with a brief historical context of the importance and conceptualisation of the tax throughout human history. The legal nature of the tax under Brazilian law will then be analysed, along with the two essential aspects for characterising its incidence: intervention in the economic domain and referability. As it concerns payments remitted abroad, the international treaties against double taxation will be analysed, especially in relation to their interpretation. Another point studied will be the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s Model Convention, which gives guidelines on the economy between sovereign states, especially on double taxation, used by several countries, including Brazil. Closing the analysis of fundamental concepts for the discussion on CIDERemittances, we will present the concept of two problems in the interpretation of international treaties, treaty override and treaty dodging. The problem of the CIDE-Remittance will then be discussed in relation to the extension of its incidence and the establishment of a rate of 10%. The scope of CIDE-Remessa will then be discussed, leading to an analysis of its similarity to CSLL, as an ”additional tax”. Finally, paragraph 4 of Article 2 of the OECD Model Convention will also be discussed, as it deals with the scope of a given treaty to the tax.
CIDE-remessa , OCDE , tratados internacionais , tributo adicional , international treaties , additional tax , treaty dodging , paragraph 4