Modelos de financiamentos de campanhas eleitorais
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Zalcman, Leonardo
Moreira, Diogo Rais Rodrigues
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O financiamento de campanhas eleitorais no Brasil por empresas públicas e privadas enseja muitos debates em razão da prática da corrupção e da prática do “caixa dois” pelos partidos políticos. Assim, o presente estudo analisou a eficácia da alteração de modelos de financiamento de campanha eleitoral como solução para inibir ingressos de recursos financeiros ilegais e ilícitos na disputa eleitoral, bem como a celebração de contratos prévios com o Poder Público. Para tanto, como metodologia empregou-se a pesquisa bibliográfica em livros, artigos e legislações pertinentes à temática abordada. Ao final do estudo concluiu-se que a legislação brasileira ficou mais severa em todos os aspectos, no entanto, ainda é carente de punições mais incisivas aos atos ilícitos, seja de eles praticados por doadores ou competidores. Além do mais, também permanece carecendo de medidas que tornem os pleitos eleitorais mais igualitários financeiramente, já que o atual modelo beneficia os grandes doadores, em detrimento das doações menores ou pulverizadas. Os recursos financeiros têm impacto significativo nas campanhas eleitorais e, portanto, torná-las mais justas e igualitárias deveria ser a meta principal a ser enfrentada pelo legislador.
The financing of electoral campaigns in Brazil by public and private companies gives rise to many debates because the practice of corruption and the practice of "slush funds" by political parties. Thus, the present study examined the effectiveness of the change of election campaign financing models as a solution to inhibit inflow of illegal and illicit financial resources in the electoral contest, and the conclusion of previous contracts with the government. Therefore, as a methodology employed to literature in books, articles and relevant legislation to the theme. At the end of the study it was concluded that Brazilian legislation became more severe in all respects, however, is still lacking in most trenchant punishment of illegal acts, be they committed by donors or competitors. Moreover, also remains lacking measures to make the electoral elections more financially equitable, since the current model benefits the major donors to the detriment of smaller or sprayed donations. The funds have significant impact on election campaigns and thus make them more fair and equitable should be the main goal to be addressed by the legislature.
The financing of electoral campaigns in Brazil by public and private companies gives rise to many debates because the practice of corruption and the practice of "slush funds" by political parties. Thus, the present study examined the effectiveness of the change of election campaign financing models as a solution to inhibit inflow of illegal and illicit financial resources in the electoral contest, and the conclusion of previous contracts with the government. Therefore, as a methodology employed to literature in books, articles and relevant legislation to the theme. At the end of the study it was concluded that Brazilian legislation became more severe in all respects, however, is still lacking in most trenchant punishment of illegal acts, be they committed by donors or competitors. Moreover, also remains lacking measures to make the electoral elections more financially equitable, since the current model benefits the major donors to the detriment of smaller or sprayed donations. The funds have significant impact on election campaigns and thus make them more fair and equitable should be the main goal to be addressed by the legislature.
campanhas eleitorais , partidos políticos , modelos de financiamento , election campaigns , political parties , financing models