Investigação da sarcopenia em pessoas idosas de um centro dia da cidade de São Paulo: estudo transversal
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Santos, Tacyla de Souza
Fernandes, Susi Mary de Souza
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Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar a prevalência e as consequências da sarcopenia em pessoas idosas que frequentam um Centro Dia (CDI) na cidade de São Paulo. Com o envelhecimento populacional em ascensão, os desafios de saúde pública estão cada vez maiores, entre eles a sarcopenia. Uma síndrome caracterizada pela perda progressiva de massa muscular, associada a limitações físicas que comprometem a autonomia, aumento do risco de quedas, fraturas e institucionalização e até a morte de idosos. Dada a relevância dessa síndrome, esta pesquisa visa compreender melhor seu impacto em uma população idosa que frequenta um Centro Dia para idosos (CDI). Para tanto foi realizado um estudo transversal com testes físicos funcionais como a dinamometria para medir a força de preensão palmar e o Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB). Além disso, foram coletados dados sociodemográficos, como idade, estado civil, nível de escolaridade e morbidades existentes, a fim de traçar um perfil detalhado dos idosos que frequentam o CDI. Os resultados se referem a 26 idosos, de ambos os sexos, com idade média de 82,78 (± 6,72) anos, a maioria viúvos e com 1 ou mais doenças crônicas não transmissíveis. A força de preensão manual se mostrou diminuída em 18 (69,23) idosos indicando alta prevalência de sarcopenia. Além disso, a média de escore no SPPB foi de seis indicando uma baixa capacidade funcional. Conclui-se que os idosos desse estudo apresentam sarcopenia com impacto moderado sobre a capacidade funcional o que reforça a necessidade de intervenções terapêuticas e programas de atividades físicas.
This study aims to investigate the prevalence and consequences of sarcopenia in elderly individuals attending a Day Care Center (DCC) in the city of São Paulo. With the aging population on the rise, public health challenges are increasing, including sarcopenia. A syndrome characterized by progressive loss of muscle mass, associated with physical limitations that compromise autonomy, increased risk of falls, fractures, institutionalization, and even death among elderly individuals. Given the relevance of this syndrome, this research aims to better understand its impact on an elderly population attending a Day Care Center for the Elderly (DCC). To this end, a cross-sectional study was conducted with functional physical tests such as dynamometry to measure handgrip strength and the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB). In addition, sociodemographic data such as age, marital status, level of education, and existing morbidities were collected in order to draw a detailed profile of the elderly individuals attending the DCC. The results refer to 26 elderly individuals, of both sexes, with a mean age of 82.78 (± 6,72) years, most of whom were widowed and had one or more chronic non-communicable diseases. Handgrip strength was reduced in 18 (69.23) elderly individuals, indicating a high prevalence of sarcopenia. In addition, the mean SPPB score was six, indicating low functional capacity. It is concluded that the elderly individuals in this study have sarcopenia with a moderate impact on functional capacity, which reinforces the need for therapeutic interventions and physical activity programs.
This study aims to investigate the prevalence and consequences of sarcopenia in elderly individuals attending a Day Care Center (DCC) in the city of São Paulo. With the aging population on the rise, public health challenges are increasing, including sarcopenia. A syndrome characterized by progressive loss of muscle mass, associated with physical limitations that compromise autonomy, increased risk of falls, fractures, institutionalization, and even death among elderly individuals. Given the relevance of this syndrome, this research aims to better understand its impact on an elderly population attending a Day Care Center for the Elderly (DCC). To this end, a cross-sectional study was conducted with functional physical tests such as dynamometry to measure handgrip strength and the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB). In addition, sociodemographic data such as age, marital status, level of education, and existing morbidities were collected in order to draw a detailed profile of the elderly individuals attending the DCC. The results refer to 26 elderly individuals, of both sexes, with a mean age of 82.78 (± 6,72) years, most of whom were widowed and had one or more chronic non-communicable diseases. Handgrip strength was reduced in 18 (69.23) elderly individuals, indicating a high prevalence of sarcopenia. In addition, the mean SPPB score was six, indicating low functional capacity. It is concluded that the elderly individuals in this study have sarcopenia with a moderate impact on functional capacity, which reinforces the need for therapeutic interventions and physical activity programs.
idosos , sarcopenia , capacidade funcional , centros comunitários para idosos , aged , Sarcopenia , functional status , senior centers