Limites das pesquisas e manipulação de materiais humanos: estudo e análise do caso da renewal bio e a criação de embriões artificiais humanos
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Andrade, Bianca Banhos Giacomini de
Vasconcelos, Ronaldo
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O presente estudo visa a analisar o método de caso do iminente surgimento de um
experimento, tendo por objeto de pesquisa a viabilidade da proposta da Startup Israelense Renewal Bio - à luz do direito brasileiro -, ao desenvolvimento de embriões para fins de transplante com a própria medula óssea do paciente, alterada geneticamente.
Tal proposta vem a repercutir tanto em normas internacionais que regulam os métodos e diretrizes de pesquisas científicas, envolvendo humanos como o Ordenamento Jurídico
Brasileiro, na Constituição Federal, no que diz respeito a proteção aos Direitos Humanos
a Vida e Dignidade versus o incentivo a avanços científicos, assim como no Código Civil, do início da personalidade do nascituro, apontando as divergências da lei, doutrina e jurisprudência, assim como a Lei de Biossegurança, que dispõem a cerca da manipulação
e pesquisa envolvendo embriões e materiais humanos.
O avanço científico jamais deve sobressair-se a direitos e garantias fundamentais
previstos na constituição.
The present study aims to analyze the case method of the imminent appearance of an experiment, with the object of research being the viability, in the light of Brazilian law, of the proposal of the Israeli startup, Renewal Bio, to develop embryos for transplant purposes with the patient's own bone marrow, genetically altered. Such proposal has repercussions both in international norms that regulate the methods and guidelines for scientific research involving humans and in the Brazilian legal system, in the Federal Constitution, with respect to the protection of the Human Rights to Life and Dignity versus the incentive to scientific advances, as well as in the Civil Code, of the beginning of the personality of the unborn child, pointing out the divergences in the law, doctrine and jurisprudence, as well as the Biosecurity Law, which dispose of the manipulation and research involving embryos and human material. Scientific advance must never supersede the fundamental rights and guarantees foreseen in the constitution.
The present study aims to analyze the case method of the imminent appearance of an experiment, with the object of research being the viability, in the light of Brazilian law, of the proposal of the Israeli startup, Renewal Bio, to develop embryos for transplant purposes with the patient's own bone marrow, genetically altered. Such proposal has repercussions both in international norms that regulate the methods and guidelines for scientific research involving humans and in the Brazilian legal system, in the Federal Constitution, with respect to the protection of the Human Rights to Life and Dignity versus the incentive to scientific advances, as well as in the Civil Code, of the beginning of the personality of the unborn child, pointing out the divergences in the law, doctrine and jurisprudence, as well as the Biosecurity Law, which dispose of the manipulation and research involving embryos and human material. Scientific advance must never supersede the fundamental rights and guarantees foreseen in the constitution.
transplante , anencéfalo , nascituro , células tronco , transplant , unborn child , brainless child , stem cells