Parâmetros para a judicialização da saúde pública brasileira
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Adão, Sasha Bofill
Lorencini, Bruno César
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Esta pesquisa aborda a atuação do Poder Judiciário para garantir o acesso à saúde e consequentemente à dignidade da pessoa humana. A saúde é um direito fundamental, abordado no artigo 6 º e parágrafo primeiro do artigo 5 º da Constituição Federal de 1988 que formaliza a obrigação do Estado em assegurar sua imediata prestação, através de políticas sociais e econômicas, ou por intermédio do Poder Legislativo com a implementação de legislação infraconstitucional. Este tema possui tamanha relevância que também está disposto em Pactos e Declarações universais ratificados pelo Brasil. Entretanto, diante da ineficiência da atuação do Poder Executivo e da escassez de recursos enfrentados pelo País, a legitimidade da intervenção do Poder Judiciário acerca do assunto tonou-se solução para resguardar e assegurar esse direito. Entre os achados, verifica-se que, apesar das críticas, a atuação do Judiciário, quando provocada, não atropela os demais Poderes, mas age em defesa de um direito fundamental do cidadão relegado pelo Poder Executivo.
This research analyzes the acting of the Judiciary to ensure access to health and consequently defending the dignity of the human person. Health is a fundamental right, addressed in the Article 6 and first paragraph of Article 5 of the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988, that formalizes the obligation of the State to ensure adequate provision, based on social and economic policies or on the Legislative Power, through implementation of infraconstitutional legislation. This theme has such relevance that it is also provided in Universal Covenants and Declarations ratified by Brazil. However, in view of the inefficiency of the Executive branch’s performance and the scarcity of resources faced by Brazil, the legitimacy of the intervention of the Judiciary on this subject has become a solution to safeguard and ensure this right. Among the findings, despite criticism, the performance of the Judiciary, when provoked, does not run over other Powers, but acts in defense of fundamental citizen’s rights relegated by the Executive Power.
This research analyzes the acting of the Judiciary to ensure access to health and consequently defending the dignity of the human person. Health is a fundamental right, addressed in the Article 6 and first paragraph of Article 5 of the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988, that formalizes the obligation of the State to ensure adequate provision, based on social and economic policies or on the Legislative Power, through implementation of infraconstitutional legislation. This theme has such relevance that it is also provided in Universal Covenants and Declarations ratified by Brazil. However, in view of the inefficiency of the Executive branch’s performance and the scarcity of resources faced by Brazil, the legitimacy of the intervention of the Judiciary on this subject has become a solution to safeguard and ensure this right. Among the findings, despite criticism, the performance of the Judiciary, when provoked, does not run over other Powers, but acts in defense of fundamental citizen’s rights relegated by the Executive Power.
direito à saúde , direitos fundamentais , dignidade da pessoa humana , judicialização , right to health , fundamental rights , dignity of the human person , judicialisation