Filosofia analítica e a produção artística contemporânea: a teoria do conceito agregativo como proposta de superação do desafio da escalabilidade à teoria estética
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Siqueira, Jean Rodrigues
Almeida, Jane Mary Pereira de
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Martins, Mirian Celeste Ferreira Dias
Campato, Roger Fernandes
Bortulucce, Vanessa Beatriz
Ramme, Noeli
Campato, Roger Fernandes
Bortulucce, Vanessa Beatriz
Ramme, Noeli
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
The present work proposes an interdisciplinary investigation concerning the logic of the
concept ART, that is, about the circumstances that justify the categorization of something
through the predicative expression “is art”. Its fundamental historical premise is that in the
final decades of the nineteenth century artistic production underwent structural changes whose
radicalization in the following centuries unmistakably evidenced the limitations of aesthetic
theories oriented by the classical model of definition. As the processes of categorization in the
most diverse theoretical fields were understood in the light of this model until the midtwentieth
century, it is possible to say that the aesthetic theory was confronted with the
necessity of a new vision on the nature of these processes. Based on this premise, the guiding
problem of this work was thought as an analog of the demands for scalability involving
information systems: how to account for an exponential expansion and diversification of data
without compromising the operational effectiveness of the support responsible for its
processing? Hence the idea of a “scalability challenge” to the aesthetic theory and the
problem of its overcoming, mainly in face of the unfolding of contemporary art. Taking the
discussions produced in the context of contemporary philosophy as its bibliographic horizon,
more specifically in the tradition known as “analytical philosophy”, this work defends the
thesis that the cluster concept theory elaborated by the English philosopher Berys Gaut offers
elements for an understanding of the logic of the concept ART capable of overcome the
scalability challenge in a satisfactory way.
conceito arte , concepção clássica de definição , filosofia analítica , desafio da escalabilidade , teoria estética
Assuntos Scopus
SIQUEIRA, Jean Rodrigues. Filosofia analítica e a produção artística contemporânea: a teoria do conceito agregativo como proposta de superação do desafio da escalabilidade à teoria estética. 2017. 264 f. Tese( Educação, Arte e História da Cultura) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.