A responsabilidade civil dos deficientes: os reflexos do estatuto da pessoa com deficiência no âmbito da responsabilidade civil e a harmonização das normas para a problemática da responsabilização
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Peridis, Juliany Braghiroli
Melo, Diogo Leonardo Machado de
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O presente trabalho destina-se ao estudo dos reflexos do Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência no âmbito da Responsabilidade Civil, tendo sua atenção voltada especialmente para a necessidade de uma resposta interpretativa da Lei 13.146/2015 e do Código Civil, diante das alterações e revogações trazidas pelo recente diploma legal, as quais direcionadas em destaque à Capacidade Civil, buscando, assim, a manutenção dos objetivos principais do Estatuto, bem como do instituto da Responsabilidade Civil.
A problemática reside em uma falha na abordagem dada pelo Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência que deixou de tratar o Título IX – Da Responsabilidade Civil, não analisando, à luz da nova interpretação da Capacidade Civil, motivada pelo princípio da isonomia, a possibilidade de responsabilização daqueles que tutela, gerando um impasse diante dos dispositivos de conteúdo genérico trazidos por cada diploma quanto ao tema.
Dessa forma, diante dessa lacuna formal presente no Estatuto, busca-se uma solução interpretativa pela harmonização entre as citadas normas, vale dizer a aplicação concomitante do princípio da Isonomia pelo Estatuto, bem como a função reparadora da Responsabilidade Civil.
This work is intended to study the effects of the Statute for Persons with Disabilities in the area of Civil Liability, with special attention given to the need for an interpretative response to Law 13.146/2015 and the Civil Code, in view of the changes and repeals brought by the recent legal diploma, which focused on Civil Capacity, thus seeking to maintain the main objectives of the Statute, as well as the Institute of Civil Liability. The problem lies in a failure in the approach given by the Statute of the Person with Disability that failed to address Title IX - Civil Liability, not analyzing, in light of the new interpretation of Civil Capacity, motivated by the principle of equality, the possibility of accountability of those it is in charge of, creating a deadlock in front of the generic content provisions brought by each law on the subject. Thus, in view of this formal gap in the Statute, an interpretative solution is sought for the harmonization between the mentioned rules, such as the concomitant application of the principle of Isonomy in the Statute, as well as the reparative function of Civil Liability.
This work is intended to study the effects of the Statute for Persons with Disabilities in the area of Civil Liability, with special attention given to the need for an interpretative response to Law 13.146/2015 and the Civil Code, in view of the changes and repeals brought by the recent legal diploma, which focused on Civil Capacity, thus seeking to maintain the main objectives of the Statute, as well as the Institute of Civil Liability. The problem lies in a failure in the approach given by the Statute of the Person with Disability that failed to address Title IX - Civil Liability, not analyzing, in light of the new interpretation of Civil Capacity, motivated by the principle of equality, the possibility of accountability of those it is in charge of, creating a deadlock in front of the generic content provisions brought by each law on the subject. Thus, in view of this formal gap in the Statute, an interpretative solution is sought for the harmonization between the mentioned rules, such as the concomitant application of the principle of Isonomy in the Statute, as well as the reparative function of Civil Liability.
responsabilidade civil , deficiente , estatuto da pessoa com deficiência , lacuna formal , solução interpretativa , civil liability , disability , statute of the person with disability , formal gap , interpretative solution