Faces do feminismo no Islam: relatório de realização de um livro reportagem sobre mulheres muçulmanas feministas
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Pereira, Isabel Marinho
Harris, Hugo de Almeida
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Este trabalho teve como objetivo apresentar o feminismo dentro do Islam no
Brasil segundo muçulmanas feministas. Compreendê-lo dentro da religião se faz
necessário para entender a luta dessas mulheres, quebrar estereótipos e romper
com o pensamento que liga, constantemente, o Islam com terrorismo, violência
e submissão feminina. Os procedimentos metodológicos consistiram na
realização de entrevistas com cinco professantes brasileiras da fé islâmica e o
Sheik Mohamad Bukai para compreender por meio de suas respectivas
vivências o feminismo dentro desse universo. Além disso, obras de Fatima
Mernissi, Nawal El Saadawi foram lidas para a compreensão do tema. Já para
definição de abordagem e estilo, os livros de Edvaldo Pereira Lima e Andréia
Terzariol serviram como base. Assim, foi visto que apesar da palavra feminismo
ter sido criada na França, o movimento já existia muito antes na parte oriental do
globo e nesse hemisfério tinha suas razões e lutas particulares. A sociedade e a
cultura patriarcal ao decorrer do tempo foram quem retiraram direitos e
impuseram limites aos corpos femininos, não a religião. Desde o início, o Islam
estabeleceu direitos para ambos os gêneros e os colocou em posição igualitária.
O feminismo se estende além da ótica ocidental e deve ser assimilado como a
busca de direito de todas as mulheres e levar em consideração o que cada uma
particularmente julga como liberdade. A divulgação e publicação de tal assunto
é essencial para que o jornalismo cumpra seu papel a serviço da esfera pública.
The objective of this project was to present feminism within the Brazilian Islamic community according to the viewpoint of Muslim feminists. Understanding this within the context of religion is necessary in order to understand the struggle of these women, to break stereotypes and to disrupt the thought that constantly links Islam with terrorism, violence and female submission. The methodological procedures consisted in conducting interviews with five Brazilian Muslim and with Sheik Mohamad Bukai in order to contextualize feminism within this universe through their experiences. In addition, works by Fatima Mernissi and Nawal El Saadawi were read to provide a better understanding of the subject. Books by Edvaldo Pereira Lima and Andréia Terzariol served as the basis for the definition of approach and style. Thus, it was seen that although the word feminism was created in France, the feminist movement existed long before in the Middle Eastern part of the globe and in that hemisphere, it had its reasons and particular struggles. Over time society and patriarchal culture, not religion, were the forces that took away women’s rights and imposed limits on female bodies. From the beginning, Islam established rights for both genders and placed them in an egalitarian position. Feminism extends beyond the western perspective and should be assimilated as the pursuit of the right of all women by considering what each woman judges to be freedom. The dissemination and publication of such a subject are essential for journalism to fulfill its role in the public sphere.
The objective of this project was to present feminism within the Brazilian Islamic community according to the viewpoint of Muslim feminists. Understanding this within the context of religion is necessary in order to understand the struggle of these women, to break stereotypes and to disrupt the thought that constantly links Islam with terrorism, violence and female submission. The methodological procedures consisted in conducting interviews with five Brazilian Muslim and with Sheik Mohamad Bukai in order to contextualize feminism within this universe through their experiences. In addition, works by Fatima Mernissi and Nawal El Saadawi were read to provide a better understanding of the subject. Books by Edvaldo Pereira Lima and Andréia Terzariol served as the basis for the definition of approach and style. Thus, it was seen that although the word feminism was created in France, the feminist movement existed long before in the Middle Eastern part of the globe and in that hemisphere, it had its reasons and particular struggles. Over time society and patriarchal culture, not religion, were the forces that took away women’s rights and imposed limits on female bodies. From the beginning, Islam established rights for both genders and placed them in an egalitarian position. Feminism extends beyond the western perspective and should be assimilated as the pursuit of the right of all women by considering what each woman judges to be freedom. The dissemination and publication of such a subject are essential for journalism to fulfill its role in the public sphere.
jornalismo literário , feminismo , Islam , liberdade , literary journalism , feminism , Islam , freedom