Responsabilidade civil do empregador pelos acidentes de trabalho no regime de teletrabalho
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Andrade, Yana Alves
Wagner Junior, Luiz Guilherme da Costa
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O presente trabalho tem como tema principal delimitar a responsabilidade civil do
empregador pelo acidente de trabalho no regime de teletrabalho. O objetivo é
realizar, a partir de uma pesquisa doutrinária, jurisprudencial, legislativa e sumular,
qual seria a responsabilidade do empregador, subjetiva ou objetiva, neste caso em
particular. Esse tema é muito relevante, pois é imprescindível que o Estado
resguarde os danos advindos das relações de trabalho, um dos pilares das relações
humanas. Com o desenvolvimento tecnológico, tais relações também sofreram
alterações diretas e precisaram se atualizar a fim de garantir a paz e justiça social.
Agora que o teletrabalhador realiza seus serviços no ambiente da sua residência é
dever do empregador manter sua saúde e bem estar, pois este continua a lucrar
sobre seu trabalho. Porém, como será abordado, essa modalidade de trabalho ainda
possui uma regulamentação insuficiente, gerando instabilidade e insegurança aos
empregadores. Visto que existe essa insuficiência legislativa, abordaremos a fundo
temas como a responsabilidade civil em geral e a responsabilidade do empregador
para melhor compreender o caso em questão.
This project main theme is to define the employer's civil liability for accidents at work in the teleworking regime. The objective is to carry out from a doctrinal, jurisprudential, legislative and summary research which would be the employer's responsibility, subjective or objective, in this particular case. This is a very relevant, since is essential that the State safeguard its damages arising from labor relations, one of the pillars of human relations. With technological development, these relationships have also undergone direct changes and need to be updated in order to guarantee peace and social justice. In present days, teleworkers perform their service in the environment of their residence, which in order to maintain their mental health and well-being, as they continue to profit from their work. However, as discussed, this type of work still performs under insufficient regulation, creating instability and insecurity for employers. Since there is such a legislative shortcoming, we will thoroughly address issues such as liability in general and the responsibility of the employer to better understand the case in question.
This project main theme is to define the employer's civil liability for accidents at work in the teleworking regime. The objective is to carry out from a doctrinal, jurisprudential, legislative and summary research which would be the employer's responsibility, subjective or objective, in this particular case. This is a very relevant, since is essential that the State safeguard its damages arising from labor relations, one of the pillars of human relations. With technological development, these relationships have also undergone direct changes and need to be updated in order to guarantee peace and social justice. In present days, teleworkers perform their service in the environment of their residence, which in order to maintain their mental health and well-being, as they continue to profit from their work. However, as discussed, this type of work still performs under insufficient regulation, creating instability and insecurity for employers. Since there is such a legislative shortcoming, we will thoroughly address issues such as liability in general and the responsibility of the employer to better understand the case in question.
teletrabalho , responsabilidade civil , acidente de trabalho , remote working , liability , work accidents