Tributação e gênero – perspectiva da declaração em conjunta do IRPF
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Silva, Debora Santos Garcia da
Gioia, Fulvia Helena de
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O presente trabalho busca apresentar através dos principios constitucionais que regem o direito tributário, principalmente o da igualdade, capacidade contrubitiva e seletividade, bem como, levantamento de dados do IRPF, impostos sobre bens e consumo, da regressividade, e os vieses explícitos e implícitos de gênero na tributação, como a tributação é um instrumento para fomentar a desigualdade entre homens e mulheres.
Verifica-se que a forma que o nosso sistema tributário é estruturado e executado não é capaz de gerar ferramentas adicionais para redução da desigualdade de gênero, em especial, no que tange ao IRPF, haja vista que, na declaração em conjunta a renda mulher ainda é considerada segundaria, bem como, ao indicir o IRPF sobre os valores recebidos a titulo de pensão, agrava o tratamento desigual.
Nesse sentido, o resultado obtido pelas pesquisas que a mulher é descriminada em diversos aspecto, seja ele social e/ou tributário.
In this final paper we seek to present through the constitutional principles governing tax law, especially equality, ability to pay and selectivity, as well as data survey of the IRPF, taxes on goods and consumption, regressivity, and the explicit and implicit biases of gender in taxation, as taxation is an instrument to promote inequality between men and women. It appears that the way our tax system is structured and executed is not able to generate additional tools for the reduction of gender inequality, especially with regard to the IRPF, given that, in the joint declaration, women's income is still considered secondary, as well as, by indicating the IRPF on the amounts received as a pension, worsens the unequal treatment. In this sense, the result obtained by the research shows that women are discriminated against in several aspects, whether social and/or tax.
In this final paper we seek to present through the constitutional principles governing tax law, especially equality, ability to pay and selectivity, as well as data survey of the IRPF, taxes on goods and consumption, regressivity, and the explicit and implicit biases of gender in taxation, as taxation is an instrument to promote inequality between men and women. It appears that the way our tax system is structured and executed is not able to generate additional tools for the reduction of gender inequality, especially with regard to the IRPF, given that, in the joint declaration, women's income is still considered secondary, as well as, by indicating the IRPF on the amounts received as a pension, worsens the unequal treatment. In this sense, the result obtained by the research shows that women are discriminated against in several aspects, whether social and/or tax.
desigualdade de gênero , tributação , IRPF , gender inequality , taxation