Um contraste entre as vivências transmasculinas
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Belic, Gabriel Simões
Paiero, Denise Cristine
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Este relatório expõe toda pesquisa realizada para criação do documentário performático e expositivo “Demétrios”, que evidencia o contraste de vivência entre os homens transgêneros no Brasil, atentando-se aos recortes de raça e classe. O curta-metragem traz cinco personagens – Kenai, Caetano, Augusto, Pietro e Daniel –, sendo que cada um reflete uma realidade distinta, seja pelas particularidades socioeconômicas, raciais e/ou pelas configurações familiares.
O presente trabalho também relata e exemplifica as conceituações de gênero e, mais especificamente, da transmasculinidade, além de discorrer sobre a invisibilização e marginalização sofrida pelos corpos trans. Já para embasar o estudo documental e a abordagem humanizada necessária, marcam presença autores como Bill Nichols, Luiz Carlos Lucena, Cremilda Medina, Jorge Kanehide Ijuim, entre outros.
Dessa maneira, perpassando por diversas intersecções de gênero, raça e classe, o documentário Demétrios é, além de um objeto de transmissão de informações sobre o assunto, uma reflexão dos privilégios que existem dentro de uma mesma comunidade e uma exposição de como os corpos transmasculinos são adoecidos até, por fim, serem suicidados pela sociedade.
This report exposes all the research for the creation of the performative and expository documentary "Demetrios", which highlights the contrast of experience among transgender men in Brazil, paying attention to the cuttings of race and social class. The short film brings five characters - Kenai, Caetano, Augusto, Pietro and Daniel -, each one reflecting a different reality, either by socioeconomic and racial particularities and/or by family configurations. The present work also reports and exemplifies the conceptualizations of gender and, more specifically, of transmasculinity, in addition to discussing the invisibilization and marginalization suffered by trans bodies. To support the documentary study and the necessary humanized approach, authors such as Bill Nichols, Luiz Carlos Lucena, Cremilda Medina, Jorge Kanehide Ijuim, among others, are present. In this way, going through several intersections of gender, race and social class, the documentary Demetrios is not only an object of information transmission on the subject, but also a reflection of the privileges that exist within the same community and an exposition of how transmasculine bodies are sickened until, finally, they commit suicide because of society.
This report exposes all the research for the creation of the performative and expository documentary "Demetrios", which highlights the contrast of experience among transgender men in Brazil, paying attention to the cuttings of race and social class. The short film brings five characters - Kenai, Caetano, Augusto, Pietro and Daniel -, each one reflecting a different reality, either by socioeconomic and racial particularities and/or by family configurations. The present work also reports and exemplifies the conceptualizations of gender and, more specifically, of transmasculinity, in addition to discussing the invisibilization and marginalization suffered by trans bodies. To support the documentary study and the necessary humanized approach, authors such as Bill Nichols, Luiz Carlos Lucena, Cremilda Medina, Jorge Kanehide Ijuim, among others, are present. In this way, going through several intersections of gender, race and social class, the documentary Demetrios is not only an object of information transmission on the subject, but also a reflection of the privileges that exist within the same community and an exposition of how transmasculine bodies are sickened until, finally, they commit suicide because of society.
cinema , documentário , transmasculinidade , homens trans , jornalismo humanizado , transfobia , documentary , transmasculinity , transgender men , humanized journalism , transphobia