Gerenciamento das comunicações do projeto utilizando a ferramenta de colaboração Microsoft Sharepoint
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Oliveira, Marcelo Rodrigues Bolló
Nunes, Élida Jacomini
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O Microsoft Sharepoint é uma ferramenta com diversas funcionalidades, podendo
ser classificado como uma ferramenta colaborativa acessível a partir de um web site.
Este trabalho procurou mostrar através do estudo de caso de uma empresa
brasileira de desenvolvimento de softwares para indústria gráfica a utilização do
Microsoft Sharepoint no gerenciamento das comunicações do projeto segundo o
Guia PMBOK. Fizemos uma breve descrição dos conceitos de projeto e pessoas
envolvidas, utilizando exemplos para facilitar a compreensão; em seguida
abordamos o conceito de ciclo de vida do projeto juntamente com suas fases,
fornecendo subsídios para abordamos o gerenciamento de projetos segundo o Guia
PMBOK, com os processos e áreas do conhecimento fornecidos por ele. Abordamos
a figura do gerente de projetos com suas características e aptidões, onde
considerando uma das aptidões, demonstramos como as organizações avaliam os
gerentes de projeto e as comunicações juntamente com as barreiras que os
envolvem. Ainda conceituamos o gerenciamento das comunicações do projeto
segundo o Guia PMBOK, com os processos, ferramentas e técnicas sugeridas; o
processo de colaboração e as ferramentas colaborativas, destacando a ferramenta
Microsoft Sharepoint com suas funcionalidades e requisitos. Por fim, apresentamos
o estudo de caso da empresa Núcleo Loguin, que utiliza a ferramenta colaborativa
Microsoft Sharepoint para o gerenciamento das comunicações do projeto segundo
do Guia PMBOK em seus projetos. Assim, procuramos mostrar ao longo deste
trabalho que o Microsoft Sharepoint pode ser utilizado como uma ferramenta para
auxiliar gerentes de projetos no gerenciamento das comunicações do projeto.
Microsoft Sharepoint is a tool with many features, can be classified as a collaborative tool that can be accessed from a website. This study sought to show through the study of case of a Brazilian software developer that develops management software for the graphics industry the use of Microsoft Sharepoint on communications management of the project according the PMBOK Guide. We do a little description of project concepts and stakeholders, using examples to facilitate the comprehension; followed by an approach about the concept of the life cicle of a project together with your phases providing subsidies for addressing the project management according the PMBOK Guide, with the process and knowledge areas provided by it. We approach the figure of the project manager with your characteristics and capabilities, where a recital of skills demonstrated how the organizations evaluate project managers and communications with the barriers that surround them. Yet conceptualize the communications management of the project according the PMBOK Guide, with the processes, tools and techniques suggested; the collaboration process and the collaboration tools, among which Microsoft Sharepoint with your functionalities and requirements. Finally, we present the case study company's Nucleo Loguin, uses the collaborative tool Microsoft Sharepoint on communications management of a project according the PMBOK Guide in your projects. So, we try to show throughout this work that the Microsoft Sharepoint can be used as a tool to assist managers of project on management of communications of project.
Microsoft Sharepoint is a tool with many features, can be classified as a collaborative tool that can be accessed from a website. This study sought to show through the study of case of a Brazilian software developer that develops management software for the graphics industry the use of Microsoft Sharepoint on communications management of the project according the PMBOK Guide. We do a little description of project concepts and stakeholders, using examples to facilitate the comprehension; followed by an approach about the concept of the life cicle of a project together with your phases providing subsidies for addressing the project management according the PMBOK Guide, with the process and knowledge areas provided by it. We approach the figure of the project manager with your characteristics and capabilities, where a recital of skills demonstrated how the organizations evaluate project managers and communications with the barriers that surround them. Yet conceptualize the communications management of the project according the PMBOK Guide, with the processes, tools and techniques suggested; the collaboration process and the collaboration tools, among which Microsoft Sharepoint with your functionalities and requirements. Finally, we present the case study company's Nucleo Loguin, uses the collaborative tool Microsoft Sharepoint on communications management of a project according the PMBOK Guide in your projects. So, we try to show throughout this work that the Microsoft Sharepoint can be used as a tool to assist managers of project on management of communications of project.
Gestão de projetos , PMBOK (TI) , Microsoft SharePoint