Comportamento jurisprudencial em recuperações judiciais sobre bens intangíveis: análise sobre a questão da essencialidade dos bens de capital
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Ferreira, Ana Carolina Passos
Lima, Cinira Gomes
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Membros da banca
O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar o comportamento dos Tribunais de Justiça e Superiores acerca da forma de proteção aos bens, principalmente aqueles que detêm natureza intangível da empresa recuperanda. Tal questão ganha destaque no mundo do direito concursal atual, pois as empresas estão passando a deter cada vez mais dentro da cadeia produtiva de sua atividade empresarial, como um elemento essencial, os bens incorpóreos e, consequentemente, estes começam a compor o arsenal de ativos da devedora. Tendo em vista os princípios basilares instituídos pela Lei nº 11.101/2005, reforçados na Lei nº 14.112/2020, será feita uma análise do instituto “bem de capital” e como ele é utilizado nos precedentes atuais do direito brasileiro. Ainda, será possível notar que o processo legislativo não acompanhou, e ainda não acompanha a evolução das relações jurídicas que norteiam a transformação do mercado financeiro e de capitais, discrepância esta facilmente notada com as lacunas legais, o que dificulta o trabalho do julgador ao decidir sobre a forma de tutelar os ativos da empresa que estiver em regime recuperatório.
This study aims to analyze the Court’s and Supreme Court behavior regarding asset protection, especially those of intangible nature, owned by the company under reorganization. Such debate gains the spotlight on the contemporary business law, because companies are increasingly holding more immaterial assets in their productive chain of business activity as an essential element and, consequently, those start to compose the debtor’s arsenal of assets. Bearing in mind the founding principles of the Law 11.101/2005, reinforced in Law 14.112/2020, the paper will conduct an analysis of the “capital assets” institute and how it is understood in light of the precedents in Brasilian Law. Moreover, it will be possible to notice that the legislative process didn’t follow, and still doesn’t follow the evolution of the judicial relations that base the change of the financial and capital market, a discrepancy that is easily showed with the legal gaps, which make the judge’s work to decide about how protect the assets of a company under judicial reorganization more difficult.
This study aims to analyze the Court’s and Supreme Court behavior regarding asset protection, especially those of intangible nature, owned by the company under reorganization. Such debate gains the spotlight on the contemporary business law, because companies are increasingly holding more immaterial assets in their productive chain of business activity as an essential element and, consequently, those start to compose the debtor’s arsenal of assets. Bearing in mind the founding principles of the Law 11.101/2005, reinforced in Law 14.112/2020, the paper will conduct an analysis of the “capital assets” institute and how it is understood in light of the precedents in Brasilian Law. Moreover, it will be possible to notice that the legislative process didn’t follow, and still doesn’t follow the evolution of the judicial relations that base the change of the financial and capital market, a discrepancy that is easily showed with the legal gaps, which make the judge’s work to decide about how protect the assets of a company under judicial reorganization more difficult.
direito concursal , recuperação judicial , bem incorpóreo , bem intangível , business law , judicial reorganization , immaterial assets , intangible assets