A responsabilidade civil dos torcedores integrantes de torcidas organizadas
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Orciolli, Marylia Roberta de Carvalho
Mac Cracken, Roberto Nussinkis
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O Direito Desportivo aborda as normas que regem atletas, clubes e torcedores, adaptando-se às demandas trabalhistas dos atletas e aos direitos e deveres de clubes e consumidores. De maneira global, a legislação desportiva brasileira tem acompanhado a tendência de adaptação às necessidades dos atletas profissionais. Este estudo tem como objetivo geral reconhecer as implicações da Lei Pelé nos clubes desportivos do Brasil, lei esta que foi inspirada na Lei Zico e representou um avanço significativo na profissionalização dos esportes, especialmente no futebol brasileiro. Outro aspecto paralelo no cenário esportivo é a Responsabilidade Civil, presente em disputas comerciais e nos direitos dos consumidores. Os danos resultantes de serviços com má prestação e a necessidade de resolução e reparação desses danos têm gerado uma sobrecarga judicial para os tribunais ao lidar com esses problemas. Esta pesquisa analisa a Responsabilidade Civil de torcedores em torcidas organizadas e entidades esportivas associadas a esses torcedores, explorando o dever de reparação pelos danos causados. O objetivo geral é demonstrar como a aplicação da responsabilidade civil a membros dessas torcidas pode contribuir para a redução da violência nos estádios. Os objetivos específicos abrangem a abordagem da responsabilidade civil no ressarcimento por danos à vida das pessoas ou ao seu patrimônio; a verificação da argumentação dos doutrinadores sobre a responsabilidade civil de membros de torcidas organizadas; a análise da aplicação do Estatuto do Torcedor e a avaliação da possibilidade de aplicação da responsabilidade civil a atos de vandalismo, violência gratuita, depredação de estádios e seus arredores, além das mortes decorrentes desses atos.
Sports Law addresses the regulations governing athletes, clubs, and fans, adapting to the labor demands of athletes and the rights and duties of clubs and consumers. Globally, Brazilian sports legislation has followed the trend of adapting to the needs of professional athletes. This study aims to recognize the overall implications of the Pelé Law on sports clubs in Brazil, a law inspired by the Zico Law, representing a significant advancement in the professionalization of sports, particularly in Brazilian football. Another parallel aspect in the sports scenario is Civil Liability, present in commercial disputes and consumer rights. The damages resulting from poorly rendered services and the need for resolution and compensation have imposed a judicial overload on courts dealing with these issues. This research examines the Civil Liability of fans in organized supporter groups and sports entities associated with these fans, exploring the duty of compensation for damages caused. The overall objective is to demonstrate how the application of civil liability to members of these supporter groups can contribute to the reduction of violence in stadiums. Specific objectives encompass addressing civil liability in reimbursement for damages to people's lives or property; verifying the argumentation of scholars regarding the civil liability of members of organized supporter groups; analyzing the application of the Fan Statute; and evaluating the possibility of applying civil liability to acts of vandalism, gratuitous violence, stadium vandalism, and its surroundings, including shops and vehicles, as well as deaths resulting from these acts.
Sports Law addresses the regulations governing athletes, clubs, and fans, adapting to the labor demands of athletes and the rights and duties of clubs and consumers. Globally, Brazilian sports legislation has followed the trend of adapting to the needs of professional athletes. This study aims to recognize the overall implications of the Pelé Law on sports clubs in Brazil, a law inspired by the Zico Law, representing a significant advancement in the professionalization of sports, particularly in Brazilian football. Another parallel aspect in the sports scenario is Civil Liability, present in commercial disputes and consumer rights. The damages resulting from poorly rendered services and the need for resolution and compensation have imposed a judicial overload on courts dealing with these issues. This research examines the Civil Liability of fans in organized supporter groups and sports entities associated with these fans, exploring the duty of compensation for damages caused. The overall objective is to demonstrate how the application of civil liability to members of these supporter groups can contribute to the reduction of violence in stadiums. Specific objectives encompass addressing civil liability in reimbursement for damages to people's lives or property; verifying the argumentation of scholars regarding the civil liability of members of organized supporter groups; analyzing the application of the Fan Statute; and evaluating the possibility of applying civil liability to acts of vandalism, gratuitous violence, stadium vandalism, and its surroundings, including shops and vehicles, as well as deaths resulting from these acts.
responsabilidade civil , dano moral , torcida organizada , direito desportivo , civil liability , moral damages , organized supporter groups , sports law