Justiça penal consensual: o consenso como alternativa para a resolução dos problemas enfrentados pelo sistema de justiça criminal brasileiro e a consolidação da barganha pelo acordo de não persecução penal
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Vieira, Pedro Vinícius Guimarães
Felberg, Rodrigo
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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo listar os principais problemas enfrentados pelo sistema de justiça criminal brasileiro, dilucidando suas origens e relacionando, dentro deste contexto, os principais fatores que levaram à escolha pela adoção de mecanismos pautados no consenso – especialmente o denominado acordo de não persecução penal - ANPP, introduzido recentemente no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro pela Lei nº 13.964/2019 – como alternativa para o enfrentamento dos problemas do sistema de justiça criminal pátrio.
Para tanto, conceituar-se-á justiça consensual, efetuando-se um panorama histórico dos princípios basilares do modelo e dos submodelos que a compõem, notadamente o modelo de justiça restaurativa e o modelo de justiça negociada. Após, analisar-se-á os modelos de justiça negociada instituídos em países cujos sistemas processuais penais são considerados avançados pela doutrina – e que serviram como fonte de inspiração para o acordo de não persecução penal, cotejando-os com os institutos de consenso já previstos no ordenamento jurídico nacional antes da entrada em vigor da Lei nº 13.964/2019. Por fim, far-se-á uma análise normativa, doutrinária e jurisprudencial do acordo de não persecução penal, explorando os impactos do instituto no sistema de justiça criminal brasileiro.
The present work aims to list the main problems faced by the Brazilian criminal justice system, explaining its origins and listing, within this context, the main factors that led to the choice for the adoption of mechanisms based on consensus, especially the so-called non-criminal prosecution agreement, recently introduced in the Brazilian legal system by Law no. 13.964/2019, as an alternative to face the problems of the national criminal justice system. To that end, consensual justice will be conceptualized, making a historical overview of the basic principles of the model and the sub-models that compose it, notably the model of restorative justice and the model of negotiated justice. Afterwards, we will analyze the models of negotiated justice instituted in countries whose criminal procedural systems are considered advanced by the literature - and which served as a source of inspiration for the non-criminal prosecution agreement, comparing them with the consensus institutes provided for in the national legal system before the implementation of Law No. 13.964/2019. Finally, a normative, literary and jurisprudential analysis of the non-criminal prosecution agreement will be fulfilled, exploring the impacts of the institute on the Brazilian criminal justice system.
The present work aims to list the main problems faced by the Brazilian criminal justice system, explaining its origins and listing, within this context, the main factors that led to the choice for the adoption of mechanisms based on consensus, especially the so-called non-criminal prosecution agreement, recently introduced in the Brazilian legal system by Law no. 13.964/2019, as an alternative to face the problems of the national criminal justice system. To that end, consensual justice will be conceptualized, making a historical overview of the basic principles of the model and the sub-models that compose it, notably the model of restorative justice and the model of negotiated justice. Afterwards, we will analyze the models of negotiated justice instituted in countries whose criminal procedural systems are considered advanced by the literature - and which served as a source of inspiration for the non-criminal prosecution agreement, comparing them with the consensus institutes provided for in the national legal system before the implementation of Law No. 13.964/2019. Finally, a normative, literary and jurisprudential analysis of the non-criminal prosecution agreement will be fulfilled, exploring the impacts of the institute on the Brazilian criminal justice system.
acordo de não persecução penal , justiça negociada , barganha , justiça consensual , non-criminal prosecution agreement , negotiated justice , bargain , consensual justice