Plano estratégico de marketing e comunicação da empresa Triider
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Spiergievich, Aiara Moura
Barros, Ellen Kessar Rego
Gonçalves, Lucca Penteado
Santos, Thaís Bastos dos
Barros, Ellen Kessar Rego
Gonçalves, Lucca Penteado
Santos, Thaís Bastos dos
Utsunomiya, Fred Izumi
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Esse Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresenta o plano estratégico de marketing e comunicação da empresa Triider, tendo como mercado-alvo a região metropolitana do estado de São Paulo para o período de setembro/2022 a novembro/2022. Ele é dividido em três principais partes, sendo elas: a apresentação da empresa, do negócio e do mercado; o diagnóstico de situação de marketing e comunicação; o plano de marketing e comunicação proposto pela agência InsideOut com a campanha “O Triider resolve”. O Triider é uma plataforma de contratação de pequenas obras e reparos. A plataforma viabiliza o contato entre o cliente e o prestador de serviços, de forma totalmente digital por meio de um aplicativo para smartphones. Já foi denominado como o “Uber da construção civil”, o que ressalta seu aspecto inovador e resolutivo.
This work presents the strategic plan for marketing and communication of the company Triider, having asit's target market the metropolitan region of the state of São Paulo for the period from September/2022 toNovember/2022. It is divided into three main parts, which are: the presentation of the company, the business, and the market; the diagnosis of the marketing and communication situation; the marketing and communication plan proposed by the InsideOut agency with the "Triider solves" campaign. Triider is a platform for contracting small works and repairs. The platform enables the contact between the client and the service provider, in a totally digital way through an application for smartphones. It has been called the "uber of civil construction", which highlights its innovative and resolutive aspect.
This work presents the strategic plan for marketing and communication of the company Triider, having asit's target market the metropolitan region of the state of São Paulo for the period from September/2022 toNovember/2022. It is divided into three main parts, which are: the presentation of the company, the business, and the market; the diagnosis of the marketing and communication situation; the marketing and communication plan proposed by the InsideOut agency with the "Triider solves" campaign. Triider is a platform for contracting small works and repairs. The platform enables the contact between the client and the service provider, in a totally digital way through an application for smartphones. It has been called the "uber of civil construction", which highlights its innovative and resolutive aspect.
marketing , comunicação , plano estratégico , reforma , tecnologia , aplicativo , construção , marketing , communication , strategic plan , remodeling , technology , app , construction