Predição do preço de ações do índice Ibovespa utilizando o aprendizado por redes neurais
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Nascimento, Marco Aurelio Pizza
Hadad Junior, Eli
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Membros da banca
O mercado de ações é influenciado pelas tendências de alta e baixa dos preços das ações em frações de períodos. Estas são refletidas devido as perspectivas e sentimento dos investidores. O objetivo central dos investidores é angariar lucro e uma das possibilidades é prever o movimento direcional dos preços dos ativos. Este artigo tem como propósito identificar a viabilidade de ter retorno de ações utilizando rede neural recorrente: LSTM. As ações da Ambev, Banco Alfa, Braskem, Banco do Brasil e Petrobrás são analisadas no período de janeiro de 2001 e agosto de 2022 com arquiteturas neurais de diferentes complexidades visando previsões viáveis. A viabilidade da análise é positiva, e os testes mostram que os resultados são melhores com estruturas neurais mais complexas.
The stock market is influenced by up and down trends in stock prices in fractions of periods. These are reflected due to the perspective and investor sentiment. The main objective of investors is to make a profit and one of the possibilities is to predict the directional movement of asset prices. This article aims to identify the availability of having stock returns using a recurrent neural network: LSTM. The shares of Ambev, Banco Alfa, Braskem, Banco do Brasil and Petrobras are analyzed in the period from January 2001 to August 2022 with neural architectures of different complexities aiming at viable forecasts. The availability of the analysis is positive, and tests show that the results are better with more complex neural structures.
The stock market is influenced by up and down trends in stock prices in fractions of periods. These are reflected due to the perspective and investor sentiment. The main objective of investors is to make a profit and one of the possibilities is to predict the directional movement of asset prices. This article aims to identify the availability of having stock returns using a recurrent neural network: LSTM. The shares of Ambev, Banco Alfa, Braskem, Banco do Brasil and Petrobras are analyzed in the period from January 2001 to August 2022 with neural architectures of different complexities aiming at viable forecasts. The availability of the analysis is positive, and tests show that the results are better with more complex neural structures.
LSTM , machine learning , LSTM , machine learning