O pagamento de danos morais decorrente ao abondono afetivo
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Gregório, Isabela Guimarães
Saad, Martha Solange Scherer
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A Constituição Federal de 1988, o Código Civil Brasileiro de 2002 e o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (“ECA”) trouxeram consigo importantes princípios que norteiam as relações familiares e os interesses de seus membros. Em razão da interpretação destes princípios, em especial aqueles que estabelecem os interesses dos menores, analisa-se neste estudo a possibilidade de responsabilização civil das relações entre pais e filhos, essencialmente no tocante ao enquadramento do abandono afetivo como um dano moral. Discute-se os deveres atribuídos aos pais pelo poder familiar, na pessoa dos filhos, em relação a educação, criação, guarda e principalmente do afeto. Conjuntamente, aborda-se o abandono afetivo, como desencadeador de danos na formação do indivíduo, tanto na pessoa do filho menor, como de seus reflexos na vida adulta, uma vez que é a família o núcleo de desenvolvimento de seus membros. Utilizou-se neste estudo a pesquisa bibliográfica, jurisprudencial e prática, como forma de ampliar o tema e trazer os diversos pontos de vistas do mundo jurídico e psicológico.
The Federal Constitution (Constituição Federal) of 1988, the Brazilian Civil Code (Código Civil Brasileiro) of 2002 and the Statute of the Child and Adolescent (Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente - ECA) brought important principles that guide family relations and the interests of its members. Because of the interpretation of these principles, especially those that establish the interests of minors, this study analyzes the possibility of civil responsibility of the relations between parents and children, essentially regarding the framework of affective abandonment as moral damage. It discusses the duties attributed to parents by family power, in relation to education, creation, custody and especially affection by their children. Also, this study addresses the affective abandonment as a trigger to damages in the formation of the individual, regarding the minor child and its reflexes in adult life, since family is the nucleus of development of its members. It was used in this study the bibliographical, jurisprudential and practical research, as a way to broaden the theme and bring the various points of view of the juridical and psychological world.
The Federal Constitution (Constituição Federal) of 1988, the Brazilian Civil Code (Código Civil Brasileiro) of 2002 and the Statute of the Child and Adolescent (Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente - ECA) brought important principles that guide family relations and the interests of its members. Because of the interpretation of these principles, especially those that establish the interests of minors, this study analyzes the possibility of civil responsibility of the relations between parents and children, essentially regarding the framework of affective abandonment as moral damage. It discusses the duties attributed to parents by family power, in relation to education, creation, custody and especially affection by their children. Also, this study addresses the affective abandonment as a trigger to damages in the formation of the individual, regarding the minor child and its reflexes in adult life, since family is the nucleus of development of its members. It was used in this study the bibliographical, jurisprudential and practical research, as a way to broaden the theme and bring the various points of view of the juridical and psychological world.
Trabalho indicado ao Prêmio TCC 2019.
direito de família , abandono afetivo , poder familiar , dano moral , family Law , emotional abandonment , family power , moral damage