Educação não violenta: análise jurídica e psico-pedagógica sobre a violência contra a criança e o adolescente
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Brumatti, Giulia Pansa
Kibrit, Orly
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O presente trabalho busca, por meio da metodologia devolutiva, demonstrar a
importância da educação não violenta para a formação de seres humanos emocional e
psicologicamente mais evoluídos, uma vez que a violência praticada contra crianças e
adolescentes com a finalidade de disciplina causa prejuízos tanto às vítimas quanto aos
agressores. Trata-se de compreender a evolução dos direitos das crianças e dos adolescentes a
partir da perspectiva da jurisprudência brasileira e das legislações vigentes, em especial da Lei
Menino Bernardo e da Lei Henry Borel, mas também da Constituição Federal e do Estatuto da
Criança e do Adolescente. Assim, este estudo revela os benefícios da educação positiva para os
jovens e os motivos pelos quais se consolidou, no Brasil, a violência contra eles, tanto no
ambiente familiar quanto no ambiente educacional, bem como as razões para a criação da Lei
Menino Bernardo e da Lei Henry Borel e a forma como elas são aplicadas pelos tribunais em
cada caso concreto.
The following study aims, through the devolutionary methodology, to demonstrate the importance of non-violent education towards the upbringing of emotionally and psychologically evolved human beings, since the violence practiced upon children and teenagers with means to discipline them, causes harm to both the victim and the aggressor. It is much needed to comprehend the evolution of children and teenagers’ rights from the Brazillian jurisprudence perspective and current legislation, most importantly the Menino Bernardo Law and the Henry Borel Law, as well as the Federal Constitution and Statute of the Child and Adolescent. Therefore, this study reveals the benefits of positive education towards young people and the reasoning to why, in Brazil, violence has entrenched against them in familiar and educational environments, as well as the motives to the creation of Menino Bernardo Law and Henry Borel Law and how those are applied by the courts in each specific instance.
The following study aims, through the devolutionary methodology, to demonstrate the importance of non-violent education towards the upbringing of emotionally and psychologically evolved human beings, since the violence practiced upon children and teenagers with means to discipline them, causes harm to both the victim and the aggressor. It is much needed to comprehend the evolution of children and teenagers’ rights from the Brazillian jurisprudence perspective and current legislation, most importantly the Menino Bernardo Law and the Henry Borel Law, as well as the Federal Constitution and Statute of the Child and Adolescent. Therefore, this study reveals the benefits of positive education towards young people and the reasoning to why, in Brazil, violence has entrenched against them in familiar and educational environments, as well as the motives to the creation of Menino Bernardo Law and Henry Borel Law and how those are applied by the courts in each specific instance.
Trabalho indicado pela banca examinadora ao Prêmio TCC
violência , crianças , adolescentes , educação positiva , violence , children , teenagers , positive education