A forma (in)domável: o lugar das águas no processo de urbanização de São Paulo
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Silva, Luciano Abbamonte da
Alvim, Angélica Aparecida Tanus Benatti
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Castro, Luiz Guilherme Rivera de
Medrano, Ricardo Hernan
Schutzer, José Guilherme
Botechia, Flávia Ribeiro
Medrano, Ricardo Hernan
Schutzer, José Guilherme
Botechia, Flávia Ribeiro
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
Esta pesquisa discute a temática das águas em um meio urbano, e objetiva delinear qual é o
lugar das águas no processo de urbanização de São Paulo, um problema composto, porque
trata de definição de limites, mas que encontra, no caráter fluido das águas, o limiar da
dissolução. A hipótese lançada é a de que tal lugar pode ser caracterizado a partir da
sobreposição de três temporalidades: da natureza, da técnica e do afeto, sendo que cada
uma destas implicam em diferentes atribuições para este mesmo lugar. Para testar esta
hipótese, foram definidas as seguintes estratégias projetuais: focar nos métodos de
registrar e cartografar o lugar das águas; observar o lugar das águas ao longo do tempo, nas
diversas fases da história; considerar o lugar das águas como um patrimônio; analisar o
lugar das águas metrópole contemporânea de São Paulo; propor um lugar teórico e afetivo
das águas como fator de transformação. O referencial teórico apresenta o estado da arte de uma breve retrospectiva histórica de São Paulo, ao mesmo tempo em que justifica o
enfoque que será dado, nos procedimentos metodológicos, à relação entre tecido urbano e
bacia hidrográfica. A pesquisa realizada buscou fazer um rebatimento prático sobre as
proposições teóricas, e elencou três estudos de caso para análise, a saber, as seguintes
microbacias hidrográficas: Córrego Tijuco Preto; Córrego Tiquatira; Ribeirão Cocaia. A
discussão dos resultados se dá a partir da construção de um quadro comparativo, demonstrando as similaridades e diferenças entre as bacias hidrográficas e seus compartimentos de relevo, a saber, cumeeiras, encostas e anfiteatros de nascentes, e fundos de vale. Em suma, a
tese revela a rica e variada constituição de uma relação conflituosa e problemática entre
cidade e natureza.
This research discusses the theme of water in an urban environment, and aims to outline which is the place of waters in the São Paulo urbanization process, a compound problem, because it deals with the definition of limits, but which finds, in the fluid character of the waters, the dissolution threshold. The hypothesis launched is that such a place can be characterized by the overlapping of three temporalities: of nature, of technique and of affection, each of which implies different attributions for this same place. To test this hypothesis, the following design strategies were defined: focus on the methods of registering and mapping the place of the waters; observe the place of the waters over time, in the different phases of history; consider the place of water as a heritage; analyze the placeof waters in the contemporary metropolis of São Paulo; propose a theoretical and affective place for water as a factor of transformation. The theoretical framework presents the state of the art of a brief historical retrospective of São Paulo, while justifying the focus that will be given, in the methodological procedures, to the relationship between urban tissue and watershed. The research carried out sought to make a practical impact on the theoretical propositions, and listed three case studies for analysis, namely, the following watersheds: Córrego Tijuco Preto; Córrego Tiquatira; Ribeirão Cocaia. The discussion of the results takes place from the construction of a comparative matrix, demonstrating the similarities and differences between the watersheds and their site compartments, namely, ridges, slopes and amphitheaters of springs, and valley bottoms. In short, the thesis reveals the rich and varied constitution of a conflictive and problematic relationship between city and nature.
This research discusses the theme of water in an urban environment, and aims to outline which is the place of waters in the São Paulo urbanization process, a compound problem, because it deals with the definition of limits, but which finds, in the fluid character of the waters, the dissolution threshold. The hypothesis launched is that such a place can be characterized by the overlapping of three temporalities: of nature, of technique and of affection, each of which implies different attributions for this same place. To test this hypothesis, the following design strategies were defined: focus on the methods of registering and mapping the place of the waters; observe the place of the waters over time, in the different phases of history; consider the place of water as a heritage; analyze the placeof waters in the contemporary metropolis of São Paulo; propose a theoretical and affective place for water as a factor of transformation. The theoretical framework presents the state of the art of a brief historical retrospective of São Paulo, while justifying the focus that will be given, in the methodological procedures, to the relationship between urban tissue and watershed. The research carried out sought to make a practical impact on the theoretical propositions, and listed three case studies for analysis, namely, the following watersheds: Córrego Tijuco Preto; Córrego Tiquatira; Ribeirão Cocaia. The discussion of the results takes place from the construction of a comparative matrix, demonstrating the similarities and differences between the watersheds and their site compartments, namely, ridges, slopes and amphitheaters of springs, and valley bottoms. In short, the thesis reveals the rich and varied constitution of a conflictive and problematic relationship between city and nature.
bacia hidrográfica , patrimônio ambiental construído , tijuco Preto , tiquatira , cocaia
Assuntos Scopus
SILVA, Luciano Abbamonte da. A forma (in)domável: o lugar das águas no processo de urbanização de São Paulo. 2020. 252 f. Tese ( Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2020 .